Epilogue - Hoseok;;

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St. Mungo's hospital was fluttering with activity due to the British and Irish Quidditch League tournament. Whether it be injured players, drunken spectators, or hot-tempered super-fans, witches and wizards baring their team's colors and emblems were flowing into the hospital consistently.

Hoseok was, to say the least, a little overwhelmed. He had recently been promoted to his wing's head Mediwizard, and his wing happened to be trauma. Meaning, he was in charge of taking care of all of these patients.

"Dr. Jung," a nurse called him as he was filling out a patient sheet, "new patient in room 2312. Head trauma."

Hoseok sighed, placing the parchment down in its place. "Great," he spun around, heading to the newly admitted patient.

Fans of the Hollyhead Harpies, Chudley Cannons, Ballycastle Bats, and more were flooding the trauma wing. Hoseok had to squeeze by them, rushing to his new head trauma patient. When he arrived at the room, he pushed the curtain open.

Laying on the bed was a female in her mid to early twenties. The colors and symbols on her robes suggested that she was on the Montrose Magpies, the top team in the league. She seemed to be knocked unconscious, but there was no external bleeding.

Hoseok moved the light directly above the girl's face and she didn't even flinch at the bright light. He sighed, moving to inspect the parchment with the patient information on it.

"Zelda Strix," Hoseok mumbled to himself. "Jungkook talks a lot about you. You give him a run for his money."

Putting down the parchment, Hoseok leaned over Zelda and lifted one eyelid. After no response, he opened the other. Again, still no response. Hoseok started writing on the parchment about treatment plans and potions to start with when he heard a voice. 

"Are you an angel?"


Zelda was soaking it all in. The flashing lights, the cheering, the fanfare. All for her and her team. The Montrose Magpies were the best in the league, and they were bound to go the finals this year.

The girl flew around the stadium, waving at fans that were calling her name. She felt the energy and adrenaline flow through her with every chant of her name, every scream.

After she took her fanservice lap, she settled back with her team.

"Strix!" A name called. She turned her head to see Wren Elms, captain of the Chudley Cannons. "I can't wait to knock you down a peg today."

"Yeah yeah. Get your broomstick of your ass, you're just a bitter little bitch since your team hasn't won the League since 1892."

Wren snarled at the girl before he dashed away to regroup with his team.

Zelda didn't remember much after that, her adrenaline taking control over her body as she went on auto-pilot. Her position was Chaser, so she was in the midst of all of the action. Not to mention she was the only female Chaser on either team, so she was, of course, the center of the action since her opponents always saw her as the weak link.

Jokes on them, she was anything but weak.

She had scored her tenth goal (Eleventh? Twelveth? She lost count.) and was welcomed with deafening screams from the crowd. She didn't bask in the fanfare as she was still in the middle of the game, and the golden snitch was still nowhere to be found.

"Strix! Watch your ass!" Zelda's captain, Raine Coil called to her.

Zelda turned around just in time to see a quaffle hurdling toward her. And that was the last thing she remembered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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