Chapter the Thirty-fifth;;

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"My little girl!" Yongjin's voice boomed throughout the area. The brass band that had been playing screeched to a halt as they realized the state Haru was in.

Yongjin sprinted towards Haru, Grace following behind slowly as Taehyung wrapped an arm around her to support her. Madame Pomfrey ordered Yongjin to press down on Haru's gushing thigh to slow down the bleeding as her assistant and her worked on Haru's shoulder.

"Oh Merlin, what happened to you?" Yongjin choked out, resting his forehead on Haru's stomach. She was still convulsing and twitching, a vein popping out in her neck to signify the distress she was in.

"It's a dangerous tournament, sir," Marvella sneered. "Accidents are bound to happen."



Haru sat on a chair as she chewed on her thumbnail, or, what was left of it. Above her, she could hear students shuffle into the bleacher seats. She wondered how extra her friends got with school spirit; if they had their faces painted (yes), sings (yes), if they were leading the crowd in cheers (yes).

Before she left to get ready, McGonnogal and Flitwick pulled her aside and vaguely warned her about this task. It was a maze, which all the competitors eventually found out about, but the task wasn't as simple as finding the Goblet. The maze fought you from the inside out. It got in your head, tried to change you, tried to weaken you. Only the strongwilled would be able to succeed. Your biggest enemy in this task was yourself and your mind.

Haru wondered what exactly that entailed. Her mind was normally going a mile a minute, so were own calculative thoughts going to swallow her up? Was she going to go insane in this maze?

She looked at her fellow champions and how they were reacting. Surely they got the same warning from their head of staffs. Lazar was pacing around the room, wringing his hands together like a fly. He looked both anxious and excited. Marvella, on the other hand, seemed just as unbothered as ever. She looked in a mirror and retied her ponytail about five times until she finally decided that it looked good enough.

Haru wondered how Namjoon put up with her. Even though she was part Veela, she was a majority mortal, so her charms had to be wearing off. And from what she overheard from Marvella and Adelaide, it seemed as though they finally were. Haru had warned Jimin about Adelaide's incoming advances, and he took it upon himself to be incredibly harsh toward her. Haru reckoned that she deserved it, though.

"Champions," Dumbledore said, popping his head in, "It's about time. Get ready to exit when your name is called."

Haru turned her head to look at him as he talked to the three of them. Before he disappeared again, he gave Haru a quick reassuring wink. Haru softly smiled in return, her mind then going back to all of her buzzing questions. 

Lazar stood at the door, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He turned over his shoulder to glance at Haru, and Haru turned to look at him when she felt his eyes on her.

He gave her a genuine, pretty smile as his light eyes shone, "Good luck, Haru."

Haru also returned a genuine smile, "You too, Lazar."

Marvella stood on the other side of the room, arms crossed and waiting for Lazar to wish her luck as well. Lazar just looked the French girl up and down in disgust before scoffing his turning his head and facing the door again. Marvella's jaw dropped as Haru tried to hide her snickering behind her hands.

When Lazar's name was announced, he let out a 'whoop' before he dashed out of the door. Haru wished she had the same enthusiasm and energy level as Lazar. Instead, she had a sinking feeling in her stomach that worsed every time Marvella glanced her way. She felt like she was going in slow motion the whole time, her bones were made of cement and her brain was mush. This whole tournament really took it out of her, and it was showing now, before the most important task.

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