Chapter the Thirty-second

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WARNING: light smut in this chapter

Haru was never a person to enjoy late nights. There was never anything wrong with it, but she always fell asleep before eleven and was up before eight. She usually saw sunrises instead of sunsets, and that was just the person that she was.

Taehyung found comfort in the nighttime. The night sky felt like a comfort blanket to him, the stillness of it all, the stars blinking back at him, teasing the mysteries that they hold. His lycanthropy only deepened his fascination with the nighttime. 

There was always at least one person that sat through his transformations with him and stayed the night in the shack. Haru and Jimin didn't miss one unless it was necessary, but Jungkook, Yoongi, Seokjin, Hoseok, and even Namjoon would join them sometimes. Of course, Namjoon couldn't find time to join them since the Triwizard Tournament started, which makes no sense since Haru could find time for him, and she was a competitor.

The transformations tended to be harder on Haru than Taehyung since they absolutely muddled up her sleeping schedule, but she'd rather lose sleep than leave Taehyung alone. Taehyung assured her that he would be fine if she slept in the shack while he ran around, but Haru wouldn't be able to fall asleep until Taehyung was curled up next to her.

Two nights after the lake task was a full moon. Haru was both physically and mentally tired from everything; swimming the entire length of the lake twice made her sore for days, and her brain seemed to be running on fumes nowadays anyway. Haru wanted to sleep for two days straight, but she couldn't leave Taehyung in the shack by himself. And, strangely, the hardwood floor was more comfortable in her ocelot form than in her human form.

Haru woke up at some ungodly hour of the night, still in her animagus form, her bladder screaming at her for relief. She could feel Taehyung's warm werewolf breath on the nape of her neck, and getting up to pee was the last thing that she wanted to do, but she'd rather not pee on the wood and ruin the shack more than it already was. So, she stretched her stiff limbs and meandered outside.

She figured that it would be more normal for a wild animal to be out by the Shrieking Shack more than a human, so Haru stayed in her form as she went to the side of the building and squatted. Just as she was done, she heard voices. Familiar voices.

"Let's go check out that shack!" A shrill voice suggested. Haru paused her movements, the hair on her back ruffling up and her tail puffing, her animal instincts telling her to make herself appear larger to potential enemies. 

"Haven't you heard? That place is haunted! I'm not stepping foot in there!" A man said

Haru's ears twitched at the male voice. She had a hunch about who it was, but she hoped that it was wrong. She peeked around the edge, and if it weren't for her cat vision, she wouldn't have been able to see them.

Marvella had a hold of Namjoon's sweater sleeve, trying to tug him in the direction of the shack. Namjoon was puffing out air, which the girl could see due to the cold, and Haru wondered if Marvella dragged him all the way here on purpose.

Haru could only imagine the bitchy look Marvella gave Namjoon in response to his statement, "Are you really scared of a few ghosts? Come on! Live a little!"

The conflict in Namjoon's eyes was evident, even as far away as Haru way. Marvella kept tugging at his sleeve, probably making a pouting face to try and convince him. The boy looked at Marvella, then the shack, and then up at the moon. 

"Yes, I am. I'm not going in there Marvella, I'm sorry," Namjoon said, trying to sound firm.

"Fine," Marvella huffed, "I'll just go in by myself."

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