Chapter the Twenty-fifth;;

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Haru was getting dragged around by her overexcited boyfriend as she spaced out behind him. It had been a couple of days, but she still hadn't come to terms with the fact that she was the Hogwarts champion. Meanwhile, Taehyung was being a supportive boyfriend, her biggest fan, and an enthusiastic cheerleader.

"My girlfriend is the Hogwarts champion!" He called down the hall, even though there was no one on the seventh floor. All of the Gryffindors were in class, and there weren't any other classrooms on the seventh floor.

"I think you've mentioned that," Haru sarcastically mumbled. Taehyung laughed at her, pulling her into his arms and pressing kisses to the side of her face. Haru pushed him off of her with a laugh and a blush. "Stop that."

"I just want to show my champion-girlfriend how much I love her," Taehyung continued to tease, using his superior strength to keep Haru locked into his body, kissing her down her face and neck. Haru tried to wriggle herself free but to no avail.

She let out a strangled groan as his teeth grazed her tender neck, "Well your champion-girlfriend represents Hogwarts as a whole, and it isn't very becoming of her if she's seen making out with her boyfriend in the hallway."

Taehyung's arm had snaked around and gripped her waist, his hand resting on her hipbone so that it wasn't on her ass, but his intentions were clear. "Then let me find an empty classroom so we aren't making out in the hallway."

Haru lifted her eyes and really looked Taehyung in the face. Sure, they had made out in hidden corridors before and shared rushed kissed in between class, but the look on Taehyung's face this time was different. Previously, he had a giddy, boyish glow in his eyes, but that was long gone. His pupils were blown wide and his eyes were narrow and serious. 

Because of his look, Haru found herself at a loss for words. She couldn't put up much of a fight, albeit she didn't really want to, and the words just weren't coming to her. "Okay," was all she said.

"Don't give me an 'okay'," Taehyung said softly but firmly. "I need a straight yes or no answer, Haru."

"Yes, I want you to find an empty classroom for us," the words tumbled out of Haru's mouth as if Taehyung had possessed her.

Taehyung gave his girlfriend a soft smile, giving her one last lingering kiss on the corner of her lips before they separated enough for Taehyung to lead her once again. This time, Haru was spaced out for a different reason.

She trusted Taehyung with her whole heart. She had a feeling that whatever they were going to do in the abandoned room, they weren't going to stop at making out. Up until she met Taehyung, anything further than kissing and touching over clothes made her hands and feet start to sweat. The thought of going further with Taehyung made her lightheaded and her stomach flutter. 

"Hey, look what's back," Taehyung breathed out. Sure enough, across from the Troll Tapestry was a door that hadn't previously been there. "The Room of Requirement is a true wingman."

Haru could barely let out a shaky laugh because holy shit this was happening. She looked over her shoulders to make sure no one was around to see them disappearing into a disappearing room, but she got dragged inside before she could be sure.

The layout of the Room was similar but not the same. There were more lounge spaces and fewer bookshelves, but Haru could tell that they were different books. She couldn't pay attention to the books as Taehyung's hands were on her.

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