Epilogue - Seokjin;;

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Time may have passed, but the corridors of Hogwarts still smelled as musky and whimsical as when Seokjin first arrived his first year.

He had graduated five years ago, and yet he felt like nothing had changed. From the sights to the sounds, and all the way down to the smells. If anything, he was the one that had changed.

As he walked through the corridors, memories flooded through him. The conversations he had and the ones he overheard, the people he met and the friends he made. The family that he joined when he stepped into the threshold of this place, and the immediate feeling of home he felt.

He was walking to his old headmaster's office, and even that was weird to think about. He really didn't go to school here anymore. He wasn't a student, a kid. He was an adult, going to meet with his potential new boss.

"Kim Seokjin, good to see your face again," Professor Dumbledore smiled at the man when he walked in. The old wizard was sitting at his desk, sorting through some papers, but he stood up and greeted Seokjin with a hug.

Seokjin, a little shocked by the display of affection, but he returned the hug anyway. "Good to see you again too, sir."

"I have to say, I was happy to see your name on an application for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. You made the halls of Hogwarts a lot happier. You and your whole group actually, but I guess it's impossible to get them all back for teaching positions, huh?" Dumbledore smiled, his eyes shimmering in the slightest as he reminisced.

Dumbledore gestured for Seokjin to have a seat in one of the leather seats across from his desk as he sat in his desk chair.

"Yeah, everyone is out doing their own thing. We stay in contact and try to meet all together at least once or twice a month. I didn't realize how much I've missed this place until I stepped foot in here. I took seeing everyone every day for granted, and now it's gone. That's just a part of growing up, I suppose," Seokjin smiled softly at the thought.

"Not to pry, but I'm morbidly curious," Dumbledore paused to lean forward on his desk, "Have you found anyone yet? With both girls and guys falling all over you all the time here, I'm impressed you stayed single."

Seokjin's cheeked turned pink as he looked down to fiddle with his fingers, "Um, I did actually. And sir, you called it."

Dumbledore beamed, "You and Namjoon?"

Seokjin nodded.

Dumbledore clapped his hands together once, "Minerva owes me some money."

Seokjin chuckled at that, and before his brain could stop himself, he started gushing, "I don't know why I didn't see it before. Maybe it was because of the whole Marvella thing that drove all of us away from him for a while, and the next year I graduated, but we kept meeting up and going out. He never made it obvious that he was interested in me, or maybe I just didn't see it."

"Well, everyone else saw it. I'm glad you're happy with him," Dumbledore smiled, a faraway look in his eyes that Seokjin couldn't quite put a finger on. But it was gone as he then asked, "How did it happen?"

Seokjin beamed, "We were walking through Diagon Ally and we passed a Quidditch supply store. I brought up the time he broke my face, and how he stayed with me, helped me keep my grades up, and made me feel a lot better when I was in pain. He told me he'd do it all again in a heartbeat. At this point, I knew I was starting to develop feelings for him, but I was too scared to act on them in fear that he didn't feel the same way. But he was looking at me with this look in his eye and... I leaned in, he leaned in, and we kissed. The rest is history."

"I'm very happy for you both," Dumbledore gushed. "Now, as much as I would like to hear every little detail about your relationship so I can rub it in Minerva's face, it's time we get down to business."

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