Chapter the Fifth;;

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"What's the sentience of a Manticore?"


"Native Range?"




"Ministry of Magic Classification?"

"Quintuple X, beast."

"In response to their violent and dangerous tendencies, what did the Ministry of Magic do to limit the Manticore's destruction."

"You know Taehyung, that's a great question."

"C'mon, Haru," Taehyung nudged her as she frustratingly put her head in her hands. "We learned about Manticores last year. You should know this by now."

"I know I should, but the thing is that I don't. This is why I suck at Care of Magical Creatures, I'm not going to be able to get a good grade on my O.W.L's, I'm going to drop out of school, and become the next Trolleywitch on the Hogwarts Express," Haru ranted all in one breath. Taehyung watched as a vein popped out in her next and how it relaxed when she calmed down.

There were a couple beats of silence in the great hall. The other residents in the hall had paused their conversations to turn to look at Haru curiously. Taehyung glared their stares away.

"I think you're being a little dramatic, here, Haru," Taehyung said with a chuckle, which made the girl chuckle too. "The Ministry didn't give Manticores the title of Being due to their aggressive nature."

"Right, I knew that," Haru tapped her head with her pointer finger as if trying to force the information into her brain. "Can we take a break? I can help you with Charms, in the meantime."

Taehyung agreed quickly, as he really needed help on revising summoning charms, and Flitwick insisted that they would come up on the O.W.L's. Haru helped him with his wand motion and focusing his energy, but for some reason, he still wasn't able to summon the mug from across the table.

"Try again," Haru kindly encouraged him.

"Accio," Taehyung said, waving his wand precisely the way Haru had coached him. 

"Ah, there's the problem," Haru nodded to herself, twisting her body so that she was facing Taehyung who was next to her on the bench. "You're saying it wrong. It's not acciEW. It's accIOH."

"AcciEW," Taehyung tried to pronounce it right, but he failed.



Haru reached up and squeezed Taehyung's cheeks so that his mouth was in an 'O' shape, forcing him to say it the right way. "Try again."

"AcciOH," he said it correctly.

"Good! Good, now, summon that goblet," Haru nodded in the direction of the object.

With Haru still holding his face in place, Taehyung cast the spell. "Accio."

At practically the speed of light, the goblet was summoned into Taehyung's open hand, causing both him and Haru to cheer loudly. She watched as his face lit up with happiness as he stared at the object in his hand.

"Alright you two, stop flirting in the great hall," a voice said, and Haru turned her head to see Namjoon walking toward the two of them, hands in his pockets. Following close behind him was Seokjin, who winked at the two of them.

"Hyungs, I just summoned this goblet!" Taehyung shouted at his other friends, holding up the goblet in his hand for proof.

Seokjin guffawed, "Taehyung, you couldn't summon a mosquito in your direction last year."

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