Chapter the Thirteenth;;

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Coming back to school after break, Haru only had one thing on her mind:

How the hell do you find a room that no one can find?

She should be pretty good at solving riddles, seeing as she has to solve one every day in order to get into the Ravenclaw common room. Maybe it was the pressure of the situation, the weariness of Taehyung ignoring her, or the stress from the school year, but Haru couldn't figure it out. Wherever this room was, she had to meet Jimin there on the first day back.

"And this is where Jimin is supposed to tell you what's going on with Taehyung?" Namjoon reiterated for the umpteenth time. They were on the train back to Hogwarts.

Haru threw her head back and groaned. Hoseok patted her knee lightly in comfort. "Yes, Namjoon. He told me to meet him in the room that no one can find. He said he couldn't tell me over letter for some reason."

"Did he steal a dragon or something?" Seokjin asked. The only thing that's dangerous to talk about through letters are illegal crimes. Stealing a dragon would, in fact, be an illegal crime that could get him sent to Azkaban. 

"Doesn't explain why Taehyung stopped replying to Haru," Yoongi mumbled half-heartedly. He did really care about Haru, but this discussion was cutting into his train-ride nap.

"Maybe Taehyung didn't want Haru caught up in his crimes? The only way that Haru wouldn't be pinned as accomplice would be to cut ties with her," Seokjin defended his theory. His defense earned him multiple eyerolls. 

Hoseok snorted, "How many dramas did you watch over the break."

"God, way too many. I was so bored," Seokjin gushed.

"I have a theory," Namjoon piped up after a beat of silence. All heads turned toward him in anticipation. "The Room of Requirement."

Haru smacked her hand over her face. She was stupid, honestly. How could she be so dense? The answer was so obvious.

"What's that?" Hoseok asked.

Okay, maybe it wasn't so obvious.

"It appears when someone is in major need of it, and it's fully equiped with whatever the person wants," Haru explained. "The room no one can find. It doesn't appear when you're looking for it, unless you've been in it before."

"So," Yoongi leaned forward, "hear me out on this. Say you really needed to use the bathroom, but Moaning Myrtle had flooded the bathroom again--"

"In theory, it would appear and have a toilet, yes," Haru said briefly before turning toward Namjoon again. "How am I supposed to find it now that I know I need to find it? And how does Jimin know how to find it?"

Namjoon shook his head, turning to look out of the window and watched the snow that was falling, "I don't know."

Namjoon's uncertainty scared Haru more than anything.


Haru honestly should have known that talking to Jimin in the Room of Requirement would be too easy of a solution

The first morning back from break, Haru waited for Jimin by the doors of the Great Hall. She didn't know how to find the room, so she'd tell Jimin and he'd guide her to it instead.

Haru waited for a long time for Jimin to come to the Great Hall. She heard him and his laugh before he saw him. His hair was no longer silver, but a platinum blonde. She watched as he laughed and threw himself on the person he was walking beside: Taehyung.

Her heart clenched. Taehyung was smiling with Jimin, but he looked tired and worn out. The smile didn't quite reach his eyes, and his eyes seemed almost empty. There was seriously something wrong.

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