Chapter the Thirty-eight;;

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Taehyung couldn't sleep. 

Usually, he would blame it on his lycanthropy, but this time he had other reasons to be restless. He wasn't allowed to stay in the hospital wing with Haru while she was still recovering for one, and Marvella still haunted his mind. He still didn't know how she suspected that he was a werewolf, and if she was able to figure it out, who else would be able to.

He had his invisibility cloak wrapped around him as he wondered the corridors late at night, trying to find anything that would keep his mind preoccupied. Late night walks outside always seemed to calm him down before, so he figured he might as well try that now. 

As he turned a corner, he collided with another hard body. Caught off guard, he fell to the ground, his invisibility cloak falling off as well. He started to scatter and wrap himself back up before the other person caught a glimpse of his face, but the person's voice stopped him.

"Taehyung? What are you doing?"

He looked up to see Namjoon staring down at him curiously. The look on Taehyung's face was similarly confused as he opened and closed his mouth to find words to say after his fright.

"Uh, couldn't sleep. I decided to go for a walk," Taehyung said. If it were anyone else but Namjoon that he ran into, he'd come up with some great excuse as to why he was out of bed. He'd say that he slipped some pixie's into Snape's classroom, or that he set off a stink bomb in Filch's office. But he didn't have anything to hide from Namjoon.

Namjoon ran a hand through his messy hair and stopped at the base of his neck, "Same here, actually. My mind can't seem to shut up."

Taehyung nodded from his place still on the ground. Physically, he was tired, exhausted even, but his mind was going a million miles a minute. And from the looks of it, Namjoon was going through the same shit.

"Me too. I just want to be with Haru, but I'm not allowed to, and... and I'm still scared of Marvella," Taehyung whisper mumbled the last part. He knew damn well that Namjoon was scared of her as well, but he still felt embarrassed to admit it out loud.

Namjoon leaned against the wall and slowly slid down so that he was sitting next to Taehyung, "I think we all are. No one really knows what she's truly capable of, and that's terrifying."

Taehyung nodded in confirmation, "I have no idea how she suspected me being... you know." He didn't want to say it out loud, not here in the open when someone could turn the corner at any second.

Namjoon sighed deeply, "She mentioned seeing a scar on you before. I swear on my life, Taehyung, that I never told her anything about your condition. She kept trying to get it out of me, but I played dumb. I said that we didn't know each other all that well, that we've only been friends for about a year. I'd never out you like that."

"I know," Taehyung said, turning to look Namjoon in the eyes. It was an intense moment, sitting so close and with the added eye contact, it proved that both boys were in this together. "Haru told me."

"Wh- I... I never told Haru about any of that," Namjoon stuttered, taken aback by the news.

"Remember when you and Marvella walked out to the Shrieking Shack?" Taehyung asked, and with a confused expression, Namjoon nodded. "Haru was outside when you two walked up. She was in her animagus form. She overheard Marvella wanted to go check the house out, but you wouldn't let her. And now, knowing what she's been doing to your head, it's amazing. She had you under Veela charm and under a love potion, but you still wouldn't let her into the house and find out about me. Thank you, Namjoon."

Namjoon had never thought of it like that. And while he wasn't sure that Marvella had been slipping him love potions just yet, he still never thought of it like that. He just remembers that when Marvella asked him to check the Shack out, he knew he couldn't. He knew it was a full moon and who would be in there. His love for Taehyung overpowered the charm of Marvella and the effects of a love potion.

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