Chapter the Eighth;;

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Haru's favorite time of year was here: Hogsmeade season. On only certain weekends, Hogwarts students with signed permission slips were allowed to go to Hogsmeade village. The weekends popped up more often the closer it got to Christmas in order for the students to buy gifts there.

The trips to Hogsmeade made Haru feel like she was an adult witch, not some silly student truding through school. Walking amongst adult witches and wizards, both famous and nonfamous, put her life in perspective. It was also one of the rare occasions that Haru didn't have to wear her uniform.

"I heard Zonko's is selling a limited supply of love potions," Franny babbled into Haru's ear as they walked to the courtyard. "I'm gonna buy one."

"And give it to who exactly?" Haru inquired and Franny answered her with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Don't know yet, but it'll probably come in handy later when I want attention," Franny deadpanned, not a hit of her joking in her voice. "It's just ashame Amelia and Celeste couldn't make it."

Haru nodded solemnly. Celeste's parents were both muggles, and after hearing the wild stories from Celeste's first trip to Hogsmeade, they refused to sign the permission slip. Something about the Shrieking Shack didn't sit well with them. Disembodied screamed coming from an abandoned house wasn't the strangest thing to happen in the wizarding world, and yet they disallowed Celeste from going to the whole town because of it. 

Amelia, on the other hand, was entirely to blame for her being unable to go. She was struggling in so many classes that Professor Dumbledore had to step in and disallow her to come. Haru had offered her tutoring sessions many times, but her ego was too big to let that happen. It was times like this when her Gryffindor nature really shined. 

Haru opened her mouth to express her sorrows about her girlfriends not being able to make it, but she was interrupted as she ran into a hard chest. Large warm hands gripped her biceps, steadying her. She looked up to meet the equally warm eyes of Taehyung, looking down at her with humor and concern.

"You alright, clutz?" He asked with a laugh.

In a split second, Haru and Jimin's drunk conversation popped in her mind, and her face reddened. His confirmed feelings for her made her stomach swirl.

"Well, if some of us weren't built like brick walls, I would be," Haru covered up her flustered feelings with her natural, sarcastic humor. Jimin appeared beside Taehyung with a smirk already plastered onto his face.

"I'm sure you and your brilliance could come up with a jinx to fix that."

"Don't test me, Kim Taehyung."

Was Taehyung getting bolder with his advances because Jimin told him about Haru's feelings? Or was he doing this on his own accord.

The two stared at each other challengingly, making it awkward for Jimin and Franny to watch the exchang. Taehyung still had his grip in Haru's arms, and it didn't look like he was about to make a move to fix it.

Franny cleared her throat, making Haru and Taehyung snap their heads in her direction. "My name is Franny Lumas. Don't believe you've had the honor of meeting me," she said, her statement directed at Jimin since her and Taehyung shared a house.

He smiled at her. "I'm Park Jimin, and doesn't that statement go like, 'I don't think I've had the honor of meeting you.'?"

Franny shrugged, grabbing Jimin's arm and pulling him away from Haru and Taehyung, "Usually."

Now that they were alone, Taehyung found it awkward to keep holding onto Haru, so he smoothly let go of her arms, but Haru missed the warmth immediately. Taehyung lost all confidence that he had from when Franny and Jimin were standing there.

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