Chapter the Thirty-first;;

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The day of the second trial was here. Haru still had nerves, butterflies in her stomach and a racing pulse, much like the first task, but this time she also had a surge of adrenaline and an almost hyper-awareness of her surroundings. As she read some last minute research, she could practically feel her brain absorbing all of the information.

She was accompanied by Taehyung and Jungkook in the library. They were trying to help find books that Haru would have a use for. Their company was comforting, so just them being around her as her fingertips buzzed across each page helped, but they gave up on the book hunt when they started making paper airplanes and charming paper cranes to fly.

"You two are the worst," Haru said as she laughed lightly when a paper crane landed on top of her head.

"You love us, and you know it," Jungkook rebutted, taking the enchanted origami and letting it fly out of the window. Haru couldn't disagree.

Their quiet banter was completely silenced as Professor McGonagall turned the corner. She pointed at Taehyung and beckoned him toward her, "Kim Taehyung, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you."

"Why? What did you do?" Haru question as she craned her neck to look at her boyfriend who was too stunned into moving. When he shook his head and shrugged his shoulders in confusion, Haru looked back at the professor.

"I don't know either," McGonagall sighed, clasping her hands together. "Dumbledore simply sent me to fetch him. Come on, now."

Taehyung reluctantly started walking toward the witch, pausing to give Haru a kiss on the cheek and a few words of encouragement. McGonagall wasn't dragging him away like his was in trouble, which didn't sit too well with her. The only reason that Dumbledore would send someone to get him would be if he were in trouble; he would want to get him personally if he wanted to talk about the lycanthropy.

Haru looked back down at a piece of parchment in front of her. It had the egg's clue scrawled on it, which she reread several times. Jungkook watched her from across the table, watching the gears turn in her head.

"Shit," Haru bit out, placing her head in her hands, Jungkook immediately asking what was wrong. "I hope Taehyung knows how to swim."


Haru had about five jackets draped over her shoulders as she made her way over to the docks. One belonging to Jungkook, one from Jimin, two from Seokjin for some reason, and one from Hoseok. Yoongi was the only smart one as he kept his own.

Haru glanced around her, trying to inspect every face on every boat to see if she recognized anyone. "Where the fuck is Namjoon?"

"Sour face probably dragged him out early with her," Yoongi grumbled, zipping his jacket up higher and hiding his face in it. Everyone laughed at Yoongi's comment except for Jungkook and Haru, who both had a sinking suspicion as to where he was. 

As their boat arrived at the dock in the middle of the lake, Haru was immediately hoisted out of the rickety boat but Professor Dumbledore. "There you are, all of the other champions are here already. You have to get ready-- Why do you have so many jackets on?"

"So she wouldn't get cold, sir," Seokjin answered politely with a wink, that Dumbledore didn't see because Haru threw Seokjin's jacket at his face before he got to execute it.

Haru was shepherded by Dumbledore and other officials as they guided her to the starting blocks. It was easy for them to make their way through, as students parted for them, but that left the five boys behind them having to push people out of their way in order to keep up. Some turned around to yell at them, but as soon as they saw that they were with Yoongi, they turned around without another word.

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