Chapter the Twenty-fourth;;

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With the castle being so crowded, Haru was thankful to have the Room of Requirement to resort to. However, upon her return to the castle, she was unable to find the entrance to the room. Because of that, Haru found it hard to find some peace and quiet. The library had a low rumble of sound, the hallways were a no-go, and the common rooms had a constant chatter of gossip. Haru needed absolute quiet for her to be able to concentrate, or else her mind would wander and focus on the background noise.

Because of this, Haru had spent most of her time wandering the castle to find an island of solitude. Eventually, she found a little place at the back of the castle, situated a couple of yards from the edge of the black lake. No one really knew that this place existed, except for her friends and that was only because they always see her sitting there on the Marauder's Map.

Haru was reading up on some magical creatures because she was still struggling a little bit with the subject. The only thing that Haru could hear was the wind blowing past her ears. The cool breeze coming from the lake refreshed her, giving her the motivation to keep study.

She heard footsteps on the rocks and some distant swoons and giggles. She thought it was Jungkook or Seokjin, but once again, she was surprised at who it was.

It was the Drumstrang boy from the opening ceremony. The one with the baby blue eyes, the one that turned heads, the one who knew he was hot shit. He had on only a tank top and loose-fitting pants. With a crowd of Hogwarts and Beauxbaton girls following him, it appeared that he was doing a little workout.

Just when Haru thought she found a quiet, secluded spot, this cocky boy ruined it. If he would come and workout, that would be fine. However, he had to bring his fan club with him, and now those girls would be waiting around to see him again.

Haru just looked out at him, sending him a long, steady glare. The boy felt her eyes on him, so he turned to look at her, only to give her a wink and a nod of his head. Haru kept her hard look before she went back to her book. She kept sneaking glares at him whenever a girl would swoon particularly loud.

She was startled out of her angst when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder. On one side of her, Taehyung sat down, and on the other side, Seokjin sat down. Haru clutched her heart to try and calm it down after her fright.

"Merlin," he huffed, making Taehyung laugh and pulling her to his side. He cooed at her. "You wanna give me a heart attack?"

"No, I can make your heart beat erratically without scaring you," Taehyumg schmoozed, wriggling his eyebrows.

Haru stared at him blankly, "I hate you," and Seokjin laughed from beside Haru, making the girl laugh at his laugh.

Their attention was drawn away when the group of girls squealed loudly. The Drumstrang boy had started doing pushups, and the girls couldn't handle it. Some of them had also noticed Seokjin sitting next to Haru, so the Drumstrang boy tried showing off by doing pushup claps. Haru rolled her eyes so hard it hurt.

"Who does that cocky bastard think he is, anyway?" Haru huffed, snapping her book shut because there was no use in trying to study now.

"That's Lazar Martinov," Taehyung said, and Haru raised an eyebrow at how he knew that, "His name popped up on the Marauder's Map. That's actually why we came here. I was scared that he would flirt with you."

"Well, he winked and nodded at me," Haru told him.

"Seokjin, hold me back, I'm going after him!" Taehyung dramatically got up but making no move to go after him even though Seokjin wasn't holding him back.

"Tae, he'd literally kick your ass," Seokjin said plainly, making Haru snort.

Taehyung pouted, "You agree with him, Haru?"

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