Chapter the Fortieth;;

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Witches and wizards pooled out of the courtroom, buzzing with nerves from the verdict. Not only could they not believe that Kang Haru killed a man at such a young age, but the fact that people as psychotic as Marvella were out walking around shook them to the core.

The news that Aurors were still actively seeking out Death Eaters also didn't sit well with them. Up until this point, wizards were blissfully ignorant about the Dark Lord. They figured he was gone for good, ever since Harry Potter somehow managed to kill him. However, if there were still active Death Eaters roaming around, that meant that someone was giving them orders.

Adelaide pushed through the crowds of people that were still mingling in the ministry. Some of them gave her dirty looks, which she expected, she was the only sane daughter of a maniac after all. Nevertheless, some gave her soft smiles, seeing the light in her that others refused to see.

Haru was pretty well protected. Nine men surrounded her, all giving looks to passersby, daring them to even glance at her. As much as she appreciated the gesture, she was getting kind of tired of it. She was almost back up to one-hundred percent. She never needed anyone to protect her, and she sure as hell didn't need it now either.

"Fuck, Kook, you stepped on my toe," Haru hissed at the youngest, and she immediately got a hurried string of apologies in return.

"Haru!" A faint female voice called to her. Haru went up on her tiptoes to peek over Jimin's head in the direction of the voice to see Adelaide struggling to get past a group of burly men. Haru smiled wide at the girl, waving her over.

Adelaide managed to get through, squeezing past Jimin who didn't say a word, only stared at her. Adelaide enveloped Haru in a bear hug, momentarily forgetting that Haru was probably still a little sore, but when Haru hugged her back just as hard, tears sprung to Adelaide's eyes.

"You're incredible," she gushed as tears started to leak. "Absolutely brilliant. How'd you manage to sneak out of the castle?"

Haru wiped the tears from Adelaide's eyes, "I had a little help," she smirked, glancing back at Lazar who was trying not to melt under the glare of Taehyung. Taehyung, while at first incredibly grateful for Lazar bringing Haru all the way here, suddenly remembered how he flirted with her during the tournament and was suddenly not so grateful.

"Did you ask him to sneak you out?"

"No," Haru shook her head, "he came to visit me when everyone left and offered."

Taehyung did not like the fact that Lazar had one-on-one time with his girlfriend, and his stare got infinitely more terrifying.

"Haru," Lazar squeaked, leaning away from Taehyung and bumping into an equally terrifying Yoongi, "Can you tame your boyfriend?"

"Tae," she said calmly in a disappointed tone, and it took one look for him to relax and turn his attention back to the thinning crowd.

"You've trained him well," Yongjin teased, nudging his daughter with his elbow, making Haru giggle. "Why would you risk your own neck by sneaking my daughter out of the castle?"

"Your daughter saved my little brother's life in the tournament," Lazar said. "My little brother... means the world to me. Our parents are almost completely absent from our lives. They don't contact us while we're at school, and when we go home for the summer, they send us to train against the dark arts. It's just an excuse for them to go vacation at our house in France, really."

"Lazar, I had no idea. I'm so sorry," Haru gushed, reaching forward and gave a reassuring squeeze to his hand. Taehyung's head snapped around at the skinship and glared, but Haru gave him a harder glare and he begrudgingly turned back around.

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