Chapter the Sixteenth;;

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Mandrake leaves tasted horrible.

From the moment Hoseok handed out the leaves, no one has been able to stop grimacing. It was such an awkward thing to have a leaf in your mouth, and that was something Haru didn't plan for. Where was she supposed to put it? The roof of her mouth? She'd have a lisp. Her cheek? Her mouth watered too much. She decided to let it go free in her mouth for the time being.

Haru, needing to get to class, walked out of the room of requirement, leaving her boys in anguish. She had turned a corner and ran into a strong chest.

"Woah, there," the boy (Taehyung) said, steadying her by holding her arms. "Watch where you're going."

"Sorry," Haru apologized clumsily around the leaf. "I need to get to History of Magic."

"What are you doing on the seventh floor anyway?" Taehyung inquired.

"Talking to Flitwick," Haru smoothly lied. "What are you doing on the seventh floor."

Taehyung opened his mouth before he closed it again. He shook his head. "If I tell you, you're going to think I'm crazy."

"Possibly," Haru nodded. "But I hope it's a risk you're willing to take."

With a dramatic sigh, Taehyung pulled a piece of parchment out of his robes. As he unfolded it, it became apparent to Haru that it was the Marauder's map. Taehyung had been looking at the map and saw all of them disappear as soon as they walked into the room of requirement.

"I was watching Jimin earlier today-"


"Shut up, he promised to sneak me a roll from the house elves. Anyway, he came up here and then his name disappeared. I came up here to investigate," Taehyung explained.

"Tae, you can be walking around the castle yet," Haru mothered. "You were pretty bruised up. Madame Pomfrey would have an aneurism if she saw you walking about."

"But she doesn't know I'm up," Taehyung said cockily. "I snuck out."

"I know. Which is why you need to go back before she sees that you're missing," Haru ushered slipping the map out of Taehyung's hands without him noticing. She slipped the parchment into her robes.

"I told you that you'd think I was crazy," Taehyung mumbled, hanging his head.

Haru slipped her hand into his, rubbing his knuckles, "I don't think you're crazy for trying to check up on your friend. I think you're crazy for getting out of bed and risk hurting yourself again."

They walked in silence on the way back to the infirmary. Despite not talking, Haru loved just being with Taehyung again. His presence alone just makes her feel so much better. Everything about him made her feel lighter and happier.

After walking into the infirmary, Haru guided Taehyung so that he was laying back down, grunting in pain as he did so. Haru mumbled a smart alec comment about how he wasn't ready to be walking around, and Taehyung grunted louder to drown her out. Haru laughed at him, and she probably would have smacked him if he was in better condition.

"I'll get you today's work," Haru told him, leaning down and pressing her lips to his forehead, then his cheeks. She pulled away and Taehyung puckered his lips, wanting an actual kiss.

God, did Haru want to connect their lips, but she knew it wasn't a good idea. She had a smelly mandrake leaf in her mouth; chances are he would either smell it or taste it, and then their plan would be ruined. Instead, Haru just shook her head teasingly.

"Please?" Taehyung pouted and he really wasn't making this easy on her, was he?

Haru shook her head solidly with a teasing smirk on her face, "Nope. Use it an incentive for getting better."

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