Chapter the Thirtieth;;

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Taehyung and Haru tried to make it seem like they weren't doing anything suspicious, but they were totally failing. Looking over your shoulder constantly while sneaking off with your significant other usually raises some eyebrows. 

There was less than a week left before the second task, and Haru hadn't found time to listen to the egg underwater. She felt like it was an important thing for Taehyung to be with her when she did it, too. After all, it was his idea, and it would benefit his confidence if he witnessed that he was right all along. Of course, there was the chance that he wasn't right all along, but Haru was confident that he was. 

Haru managed to hide the golden egg in her cloak as the two walked to the bathroom. Taehyung especially seemed paranoid that someone would catch them and turn them in. Their actions looked suspicious, but they were totally innocent.

"Why do we have to go into the girls' bathroom?" Taehyung mumbled, looking over his shoulder for snitches as they walked toward the entrance.

Haru gave him a look as she opened the door, "This isn't just the girls' bathroom. No one goes in here."

"Why?" Taehyung asked, following his girlfriend as they walked into the room.

"Because of me," a disembodied voice whined, startling Taehyung but Haru continued to walk in the room, unfazed. 

Haru walked straight to the bathtub and ran the water as Taehyung looked around the room, trying to find who just spoke. As he turned a corner, a specter flew out in front of his face, causing a shout to escape from his mouth as he stumbled backward.

"Hi, Myrtle," Haru greeted as politely as she could as she focused on the task at hand. Taehyung, on the other hand, held a hand over her heart as he tried to calm it down. 

"Who?" He asked.

The ghost huffed, "Me. Poor, pitiful, Moaning Myrtle," she fake cried as Taehyung looked at her confused. Myrtle mocked his face back at him before she rushed off to talk to Haru.

"I haven't seen you a lot recently," Myrtle said as Haru watched the tub start to fill with bubbles and water. "You've been pretty busy recently, huh? You know, being a hero and all."

Haru smiled softly, her sympathies oozing from her features. Moaning Myrtle wasn't necessarily a ghost everyone loved at Hogwarts. She wasn't like Nearly Headless Nick. In fact, most kids bullied her, even after death. Haru was one of the only students that not just tolerated her, but became her friend. Since Haru had become so busy these past two years, she hasn't been able to find time to seek Myrtle out and hang out with her.

"You know you can always leave the bathroom and try and find me," Haru tried. She was expecting Myrtle's response.

The ghost's lip started to quiver, "Leave? If I could leave I would, you know. As soon as I walk out of the room, it's all, 'Look, it's moaning Myrtle! Let's throw books at her! Ten points if it goes through her stomach," she stressed, punching through Taehyung's stomach instead of Haru's, "Twenty points if it goes through her head!" He pushed her hand through Taehyung's head.

Haru gave her a look. It wasn't a mean look, and it wasn't a pitying look. However, that one look made her apologize to Taehyung and calm down a little bit. "That's when you ignore them, Myrtle. They're only doing it because they get a rouse out of you. All you have to do is ignore them and find me, and I'll put them in the place."

"They're ruthless!" Myrtle whined. "What makes you think that they'll listen to you and leave me alone?"

"I fooled a dragon, Myrtle," Haru said which made Myrtle laugh. "I think I can fool some no-good bullies."

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