Chapter the Third;;

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"Great practice everyone!" Todd Binns, the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team said, clapping his hands once. Haru and Jungkook stood next to each other, sweaty and out of breath. Todd proceeded to inform the team of their practice schedule for the month. Most of the practices were before breakfast.

"Oh, and Haru," he stopped the girl before she walked off. "Those plays you gave me were ingenious. You did a really good job," he smiled and winked one of his hazel eyes.

Haru cringed, "Ah, it was nothing, really. There are plenty more where that came from."

"Can't wait to see them," Todd gave a smile and walked away.

Haru turned around to face Jungkook and pretended to throw up. The boy just laughed at her and patted her on her shoulder. "I think he likes you, Haru."

She gave him a glare, "You don't say. He flirts with me and Moira all the time. I can't wait until he graduates next year," she gave a shiver, remembered the looks Todd would give Moira and knowing that he looked at her the same way.

"But luckily enough for you, I think he likes you more," Jungkook waggled his eyebrows before he went into the locker room.

"How did I get so lucky?" Haru mumbled as she walked into the girl's locker room.

Moira was already down there, trying to tame her unruly girls in the mirror. She was already dressed in her robes, so Haru hurried to change out of her gear and into her own uniform.

"What did creepy Todd say to you?" Moira asked.

"That he wants to have sex with me."

Moira gave her a look.

"Okay so maybe he didn't say that, but the vibe he gave off definitely implied that he wanted to," Haru raised her hands in defense.

After Haru was dressed, she stood in front of a mirror and tried to lay her hair down. When it didn't want to cooperate, she waved her wand and all of the stray hairs fell into place. Moira looked at her with her mouth agape.

"Dude, do that to me," she begged, and Haru happily obliged. "It's not fair that you're so good at charms."

Haru shrugged, "Flitwick does a lot of the hard work for me. He's a really great teacher."

Moira nodded and smiled at her neat hair, "Yeah. That little man does wonders, huh."

Since both of the girls' hair was properly done, they headed out of the locker room. Moira went off on her own and Haru walked toward Jungkook who was waiting for her. He slung an arm around her as they walked.

"Jungkook, did you shower? Or at least charm yourself so you wouldn't stink?" Haru plugged her nose, pushing his arm off of her. He smelled like sweat, and it wasn't cute.

Jungkook blinked at her. "No."

"You're disgusting!" Haru yelled with a laugh, pushing the smelly boy away from her.

As her arms swung back, her elbow brushed up against something that felt like cloth. She whipped her head around to apologize if she hit someone's robes, but there was nothing behind her. Grass crunched in the area that the cloth was, and she squinted. There was nothing there. She was about to reach her hand out when Jungkook called to her.

"Haru, hurry! There isn't going to be any food left when we get there if we don't hurry!"

Although she was still confused, Haru turned around and started jogging to catch up to Jungkook. "There won't be any food left for me if you get there before me."

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