Chapter the Tenth;;

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Haru was up until the early hours of the morning for last minute studying, and she wasn't even upset about it. No wonder her friends called her a freak for it; she'll finally admit that she is, in fact, a little loony for enjoying studying until her brain turns to mush. 

She doesn't enjoy the grogginess and headache the next day, and she's never had a hangover before, but apparently it feels the same. Haru gets a sort of head high after she fills her head with knowledge. Maybe the word was confidence, but she felt great after she learns things that she knows her classmates don't.

She also couldn't sleep because of certain... events that happened the day before. After the brief make-out session with Taehyung in the forest, she had been too flustered to think straight to go to bed, hence why she opted to study until she passed out from exhaustion.

Haru couldn't shake the feeling and instinct that someone had seen them. Not that she cared, not really. There was nothing to be shameful of; Taehyung was hot as shit, he was nice, funny, and secretly smart. Sadly, most people didn't know about the last characteristic. Too many people see his blank expression and aloof comments and brush him off as stupid. But Haru knew better.

Anyway, she was a little slow getting out of bed at seven in the morning for breakfast in the Great Hall. She wanted to see Taehyung more than anything, but she feared that people would be waiting to make fun of her. Not the teasing her friends would give, but actual border-line bullying. A brilliant Ravenclaw like herself going for a stupid Hufflepuff? Haru wasn't proud enough to turn Taehyung down because of titles. Some students were, though, and she really, really didn't want to explain over and over again how wrong they were.

By the time Haru made it down for breakfast, she realized how many students had already gone home for the holidays. Haru and her friends had always made a pact to wait until the last possible moment to leave. None of them really lived close enough to be able to visit for Christmas, so they opt for leaving later.

Franny, Celeste, and Amelia, had already left as well, so Haru didn't feel guilty for sitting with the boys. Except, the one boy that she wanted to see most of all, (aka Taehyung), wasn't there. Confused, she sat in between Seokjin and Namjoon.

"You look horrible," Jungkook deadpanned, earning and giggle and smack from Jimin, whilst Haru just glared daggers at him. "Your face is all swollen and you have horrible bags."

"Maybe this is why you're single, Jungkook," Haru said with no remorse. She didn't notice how that comment bothered him and made him shift in his seat. Yoongi did, though. Yoongi also noticed how a boy from the other end of the Gryffindor table got up and left the hall and how Jungkook quickly excused himself after. However, he didn't say anything.

Haru waited as patiently as she could before asking the question that everyone knew was coming, "Where's Taehyung?"

"In the greenhouse," Hoseok answered, knowing the whereabouts of his housemate. "He planted some stuff at the beginning of the year and he wants to take them home to his parents for Christmas."

Grabbing a muffin and an apple, Haru stood up from the table and headed to find Taehyung. She was just about to leave the hall when a paper airplane landed in her hair. As she halted in her tracks, she looked around for a culprit as she unfolded the paper. 

Written on the parchment wasn't a crude note, but an enchanted drawing. It was crude and looked like it was done by a five year old, but she could make out the blue Ravenclaw emblem on a girl's robes and a yellow Hufflepuff emblem on a boy's robes. The two figures kissed and pulled away, shocked, on a loop.

She crumpled the paper in her hands, looking around the hall to find the person that peeped on her and Taehyung. So what if they saw them kissing, they didn't have to show off and let Haru know that they knew. It shouldn't be that big of a deal or a juicy enough rumor to spread around.

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