Chapter the Twenty-sixth;;

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Haru was the brightest witch of her age, but she still had her limits.

She was stressed out about the upcoming tournament, she was stressed about her relationship with Seokjin, she was stressed about Taehyung's transformations, and she wasn't getting a lot of sleep because her brain wouldn't shut up at night. She was running at full capacity on low fumes.

The girl found herself spacing out in class more often, her eyelids getting heavy and taking really long blinks. The biggest struggle was in potions class. The dim lighting set the mood for a good nap, but Snape's shrill voice made sure that no one would be sleeping in his class.

Core subjects, like potions, had a hodgepodge of students during the tournament; there were students from each house and each school. Thankfully, Jimin was in Haru's class with her, so not only did she have a friend to sit by, but she had an intelligent human being that she could have a conversation with. She loved her boyfriend, really, but some of the things he said made her want to bash her head against a wall.

Snape's room was full of low chatter as he was suspiciously late to start class. Some suggested walking out if he wasn't back in five minutes, others were complaining, and others were worried that he was eavesdropping on their conversations. Haru and Jimin were having some small talk about anything that crossed their minds. Haru was splayed out on the desk, her arm resting on her bicep, while Jimin was leaning with his head in his hand.

Snape's office door swung open, and he marched into the classroom, his presence straightening everyone's posture and squaring everyone's shoulders. Haru and Jimin were the least intimidating out of everyone. Jimin was Snape's little protege, and Haru put up a respectful front before him, so he didn't have a problem with her. They sat up but were the only two that stayed slouched in their seats. 

Snape didn't apologize for being late. The kids were on his time, not the other way around, so it wasn't his problem if his class ran later than what it was supposed to. He went straight into teaching his lesson. Haru's eyes and mind wandered almost immediately as she simply didn't care. 

"I have the privilege of teaching all three champions in this class, and, miraculously, none of you are paying attention," Snape deadpanned, interrupting his lesson to call out Haru, Lazar, and Marvella. Lazar had been doodling on his parchment, Marvella wasn't even subtly talking to her deskmate,  and Haru just wasn't giving Snape her full attention. "I can assume that since you aren't paying attention, you can tell me about love potions, right Kang Haru?"

Jimin snorted quietly. Of course, Haru could tell you about love potions. She could tell you about any potion under the sun. Snape was either taking it easy on the other champions, or he was trying to show off Haru's wit and knowledge that he would take credit for. Either scenario was equally as petty, so it was a coin toss as to which motive Snape had. 

"The love potion is an advanced level potion which causes the drinker to become infatuated with whoever gave them the potion. Amortentia is the most powerful of all, recognizable with its pearlescent sheen and spiraling steam," Haru explained, watching Snape as he walked over to her and Jimin.

"Correct. This is Amortentia," Snape stated, pulling the powerful potion out of his robes. He opened the cap and held it under Haru's nose. "What does it smell like?"

Haru looked up at her teacher, knowing that it was a trick question. "It differs. It all depends on what the person finds appealing." Snape looked at her like he wanted more, so Haru took a whiff. She recognized the smell immediately; the shampoo, vanilla, the musky scent of outdoors. The potion smelled like Taehyung. She could picture herself cuddled up with him, her nose buried in his shoulder, inhaling the smell emitting from the potion. However, with her rivals in the same room with her, she wasn't about to say all of that. "For example, I smell my mother's perfume and pumpkin pie."

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