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*Private texts between Ally and Melanie*

Allysus: Hey...

Crybaby: Hi.

Allysus: I know I'm probably the last person you wanna hear from right now

Crybaby: Wrong. You're the only person I've been wanting to hear from.

Allysus: Yeah. I know.

Crybaby: So what do you want?

Allysus: For you to come outside would be nice.


No ones pov

Melanie stared at her phone in shock. It took her a couple of moments to realize what she had just read. Ally was here, and she was just outside. She quickly shot up from bed and looked in the mirror, she looked awful. Her makeup was running from crying all day, she hadn't slept or eaten. She looked like a mess, and now Ally was going to see that.

She realized she didn't have any time to get ready, and she contemplated whether she should really go outside or not.

She then took a deep breath, and walked out of her room. She slowly walked downstairs, and when she reached the bottom, everyone went silent. All of her friends were sitting there, even Normani. Camila was about to say something but Dinah covered her mouth with her hand, and locked eyes with Melanie.

"Go to her."

"What the fuck, Dinah?"

Lauren asked with an eyebrow raised, "We all knew where and who she was going to." She added and Camila tried to say something, but it was muffled by Dinah's hand.

Dinah then let her go, and Camila glared at her. "Go to her. Run to her, you're running out of time." Camila said and Melanie furrowed her eyebrows, "What the hell are you guys talking about?" She asked and Camila shrugged. "Isn't that what they say in love movies?" She asked and Normani rolled her eyes. "Oh my god. Just go. She's outside waiting." Normani said and Melanie gave her friends a weird look as she walked to the door.

She stood there for a couple of moments, before she took a deep breath and walked out. She saw Ally standing there already and she let out a shaky breath. "Hi." She said lightly and Ally flashed her a sad smile, "Hey." The shorter girl said and Melanie only looked down.

"I've been uh, thinking, for the last couple of days." Ally said nervously, as Melanie looked up at her. "About?" She asked curiously, "About you, dumb ass!" Ariana yelled from inside, Melanie then glared at her and shut the door. "Sorry, they uh- they're pretty annoying." Melanie said awkwardly and Ally chuckled, "Yeah, I know." She said and Melanie looked down.

"Wanna sit?" She asked, pointing at the patio swing. Ally then nodded as her and Melanie walked over to the swing and sat down. They sat in silence for a couple of seconds, neither of them knowing what to say.

"Ari was right, you know?" Ally asked and
Melanie turned to face her questionably, "I have been thinking about you. A lot." Ally said gently and Melanie looked down, "Oh. Me too." Melanie admitted quietly and Ally let out a sigh, "I didn't mean for things to end like that." Ally said truthfully and Melanie continued to look down.

"But you wanted things to end?" She asked and Ally's eyes went wide as she shook her head. "No! I didn't- I mean, yeah things are hard, being long distance and all- but- but I love you, Melanie. I never wanted anything to end." Ally admitted softly and Melanie sighed. "Then why did it, Ally?" She asked as she frustratedly ran her fingers through her hair, and she turned to look at Ally.

"I got jealous; I didn't mean to, I just- I lost my temper. I don't even know what came over me, it was like one second I was going off on Tori, then the next thing I know we were fighting, and I said something I didn't mean... and we just- we broke up." Ally said quietly and Melanie only stared at her shoes. "You called me a bitch and you- you made me feel like, I was just a burden." Melanie admitted and Ally only looked down.

"I know. I didn't- I didn't mean it Mel. I just- it's like I said, I just got upset. And maybe- maybe this just wasn't only about Tori. I mean, long distance is hard and I just- I just miss you so much and I-I wanna see you all the time, and it's so hard." Ally choked on a couple of tears and Melanie sighed. "I know, Ally. Don't you think I feel like that too? I mean I've never been in a long distance relationship, and I just- I mean- aren't I worth it?" Melanie asked.

"You're worth it to me. You're worth all of it. I've never had my doubts about us, regardless. I mean sure I get jealous, and I get upset sometimes, but..." Melanie trailed off, causing Ally to look at her. "But what?" Ally asked carefully. "But I love you." She answered quietly, "No matter what we've been through, no matter what happens, I love you. I think- no, I know, that I always will." Melanie said, in an even quieter tone.

"You're not like anyone I've ever met, Ally. You're different than anyone I've ever come across and I just- I know it's hard, I know sometimes I can be hard to deal with but I- but I just- I've had so many issues in the past. No one other than Mila has ever stuck around for long, even my parents. And that's okay, because I've never really needed anyone else, but you- well, like I said, you're different." Melanie said, letting a couple tears fall.

"You're my person, Ally. You're the one I see myself spending the rest of my life with, and I don't know... I guess I- I just thought I was yours too." Melanie said, shrugging sadly as she wiped a couple of tears away.

"But you are my person, Mells! I know I don't show it very much, but you are! You're all I've ever wanted, and you're still all I want. No one will ever compare to you, and I don't- I don't ever want them too. Because well, you're mine. I honestly believe you're the best thing that's ever happened to me; and without you, I don't know what I'd do." Ally admitted, looking down. She started to feel some tears burn in the rim of her eyes.

"I didn't- I didn't come here to tell you I can't live without." Ally said, causing Melanie to stare into her eyes. "I can live without, Melanie, I just don't want to." She added, and Melanie only stared at her. "And I love you, more than I've ever loved anyone. Sure you're not my first love, but you're the love that made everyone else irrelevant. Because when I'm with you, you're all see. I see you in my present, I see you in my future, I see you forever." Ally said, as more tears fell out of Melanie's eyes.

"And I know that, that's naive, and really cliché. I know that some people may think it's unrealistic, that young love doesn't last- and maybe they're right. Maybe we won't last, maybe I'm just a naive fool. But I don't care, because you're worth it. I'm sorry it took me this long to figure it out." Ally said, as a tear fell from her eye. "But I love you, Melanie. And if you don't wanna do this anymore, I'll understand. But I hope that's not the case, because I- I just- I love you, and that's really all I can say." Ally said as she broke eye contact and looked down.

Melanie sat there awhile, silently. Trying to process everything Ally had just said. After about three minutes of Melanie not saying anything, Ally stood up and sighed. She started to walk off, letting more tears fall as she opened the gate to Camila's house.

She was about to walk out when someone grabbed her arm, she turned around to see Melanie standing there with tears in her eyes. Ally was about to say something, but before she could, Melanie grabbed her face and smashed their lips together.

It took Ally a moment to realize what was going on, but when she did, she immediately kissed back. After about three minutes, they pulled away, and they stared deeply into each other's eyes.

"I love you too."


A/n: Mally😭😭

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