Chapter one

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Look at this baby fluffball

I never really liked running, only ever if it was behind the ice cream truck to threaten the driver to give me ice cream. That was back in the day when I still used words to scare people, now my actions speak louder and they do always get the reaction out of people as I expected. So when the police had finally found me and chased me all the way to this forest I was sure burning with hate cause I smelt like sweat now and I sure hated smelling.

Hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook. I'm twenty years old though I look younger (which is one of my charms & advantages) and absolutely hate being chased. I guess I have to blame it on myself for becoming drug dealer and head of an international gang. But still, I do nothing wrong (except the occasional druggie I shoot on a daily basis because they almost never pay back their debts). I just sell happiness in the form of powder or pills and people pay me for that. Also I threaten a lot of people or have fights with other gangs but hey, it's not like don't deserve to die. They piss me off and everybody knows not to piss off Jeon Jungkook.

So yeah I lost the feds but I was still running in a dark forest, the sun barely rising to give me enough light to see. Old cabins popped up on the horizon and I made my way over to them, noticing buses and cars stopping there to drop off people.

Those people looked a lot like teenagers and I groaned in annoyance, always hating that age because they sure were irritating. It obviously was a camp of some sorts and the parents were hugging the shit out of their kids and waving them goodbye.

"And when they get home they crack open a bottle of wine to celebrate losing their trashy kids", I mumbled, peering through the branches of the tree I was hiding behind. An idea came into my mind and I made my way over to one of the cabins, swan diving into an open window which ended up in a room. Two bed were against the walls and except of that there was cross with Jesus on it, hanging above the door.

That door creaked open and I took a step back as a lanky teenager made his way in with luggage standing behind him. He had blonde hair and green eyes, looking like he didn't belong in this country at all as he looked like he came from Europe. He finally noticed me and stopped in his tracks.

"Hi um are you my roommate for the next month?", the boy asked me, two room keys in hand.

"Yep that's me, Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you", I smiled though I was completely lying in his face. His expression had confusion all written over it as he handed me one of the keys. I slid the key into my backpocket, assuming I could stay here for a while until the feds forgot about me again. It's not like the gang can't go on without me, Namjoon and Yoongi are there to run the place when I'm away. And besides, it's been ages since I took a break. Maybe annoying teenagers won't be too bad of a vacation.

"Oh... they told me I wouldn't have one cause there weren't that many campers?"

"Well I decided fairly late to come here", I shrugged, "So that's why they said what they said".

"Oh okay", he smiled for the first time at me, "Hi welcome to camp I guess. Is this your first time here?"

"Yeah so uh- can you explain to me what sort of camp this specifically is?", I asked as vaguely as possible as I saw his eyes narrow.

"You don't know what camp this is? Dude, your parents must have tricked you into this", he chuckled, which annoyed me a little.

"Can you just say it?", I asked monotonously.

"Well as I like to call it: detention camp. But it's actually a camp for Christians", he shrugged.

"As in Christian Grey? Are you called Christian? Do I need to change my name to be here?"

He laughed at my questions which made his blonde hair bounce, "No I mean as in Christianity, you know, the religion".

"Ooh makes sense", I nodded my head, "So what are you called exactly?"

"I totally forgot to mention that didn't I? My name's Lukas", he smiled brightly with jazz hands on the side.

"Lukas? Really? What, are your brothers called Isaac and Judas?", I joked, plopping down on the bed. He tilted his head while giving me a pointed look.

"No my uncle is called Judas, my oldest brother's name is Jacob", Lukas said a matter-of-factly, "But Isaac you had correct".

"Wow, your family is so predictable", I rolled my eyes, making myself comfortable on the bed, "So what did you do to get here?"


"You said this was a detention camp so what did you do to get detention?"

"Oh um not much, it isn't such a great story and it's rather embarrassing-", he started with flushed cheeks but I interrupted him.

"Oh come on I'm just curious dude".

He coughed to clear his throat, "Um so I went to this party-"

"Great start already"

"AndIkissedaguyburnedabibleandhadsixesallwrittenallovermybody", he said in one breathe.

"Okay you might want to repeat that cause I understood zero things out of your rambling", I arched an eyebrow at his red face.

"I um kissed a guy, burned a bible in the camp fire and some guy wrote 666 all over my body in sharpie... There were photos of it and were posted on Facebook. My parents sued Facebook. Yeah, great story", he coughed at the end, trying to hide his embarrassment but totally failing at it.

"Woah", I was taken aback by this, "You're like- totally cool now".

"I am?", he asked in a hopeful tone which made him uncool again.

"Yeah... So what's there to do around here?", I asked nonchalantly, swinging my legs against the bedframe.

"Not much, there are some activities planned or- wait did mean camp activities or like 'do people' cause sorry to drop it on you dude but there are only guys here", Lukas told me and I rolled my eyes at this.

"I'm fine with that- wait- did your parents send you here because you kissed a guy and wanted to clear you of your homosexuality by sending you to an all boys camp?"


Wow, his parents really got the medal for parents of the year

"So how old are you?", he decided to change the subject it seems and gave me a small smile.

"Eighteen", I lied, "You?"

"Seventeen but I'm turning eighteen soon. Almost old enough to run away from home".

Obviously he was joking but his eyes stood very serious. I looked back over at his luggage and cursed under my breath, forgetting the fact I didn't have spare clothes to stay here. Maybe I could let Namjoon bring them, he isn't on the police their radar yet. Lukas started unpacking and I lied to him, telling him my parents forgot to bring my luggage.

I wonder how many lies I can spill before God punishes me for being on his camp.

Probably an unlimited amound as God doesn't exist heh.

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