Chapter twenty seven

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"Jungkook! You can't just walk away like th-"

I slammed the door shut which made Namjoon's voice disappear. Taehyung was uncomfortably standing in the hallway, holding a bag full of clothes in his hand. He looked tired, his brown hair was a mess and he was wearing a white sweater to keep him safe from the coldness of the night. He seemed currently lost in thoughts as he stared at the floor until I grabbed one of his hands and intertwined them with mine. He shyly smiled up at me and I guided him outside, hearing Namjoon and Yoongi calling after me but I didn't care.

Taehyung needed to be kept safe. And I know safe meant as far away as possible from me so other gangs wouldn't keep their focus on him. But I was selfish. So I kept him close to me, but this time not in our gang. We were moving into a small apartment I had once bought when I was younger. I thought I could run away from my responsibilities of joining the gang and becoming the leader. Unfortunately I didn't have a choice and joined my father's gang anyway, but the apartment was still there.

I gently nudged Taehyung into the car and climbed inside too, positioning myself behind the steering wheel. I noticed the factory's gate opening and people spilling out, probably to try and stop us. I drove off without a second thought and we disappeared into the night.

The apartment wasn't anything big. It had one bedroom with a double bed, a cozy kitchen, a living room and a small bathroom with a shower in the bathtub. It was currently 3 am and Taehyung's eyes were drooping as I placed down our luggage on the bed. I chuckled, noticing him yawn and ruffle his hair.

"You can go to sleep now", I told him, motioning him over to the bedroom when he looked lost standing sleepily in the living room.

"What about you?", he mumbled tiredly, crawling on the bed and curling himself into a ball underneath the sheets.

"I'll be there in a few minutes", I replied, though I knew he wouldn't even last so long. I was proved right when I walked back inside the bedroom after having checked every window and lock and saw the little kitten sleeping soundly.

I threw off my shirt and jeans, leaving myself in only boxers, and laid down beside him, feeling him cuddle up next to me. I smiled softly and turned on my side, slinging an arm around him before nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.

We stayed like that until the morning came. Around noon I finally awoke to some shuffling beside me. I fluttered my eyes open and chuckled, seeing Taehyung struggling to get the sheets off him that were tangled with his legs.

"Need to pee", he mumbled, finally achieving into kicking the evil sheets away from him and dashing out of the bedroom.

I heard him running around, probably in search for the bathroom that was behind one of the doors in the apartment. When I heard a door slam shut and lock it was finally calm again.

No gang, no spies, no poison, drugs, bullets, kidnappers,...

Just peace and quiet.

I could get used to that.

The late morning was spent with baking some eggs (that we stole from Jin's kitchen supplies) and munching on a couple of slices of bread.

"We should go grocery shopping today", Taehyung pointed out, taking a gulp from the orange juice (we also stole from Jin).

"Hmm sure. There's a shop not far from here", I nodded, grabbing our plates and utensils to start the dishes. I filled the sink with water which mixed with the cleaning product and started rubbing the plates clean with the yellow sponge I had in my hand. I heard Taehyung's chair scraping backwards and his bare feet padding against the kitchen floor until two tan arms wrapped around my waist. He sighed in the crook of my neck and nuzzled his head on my shoulder. My body shuddered as I felt him placing a small kiss on the exposed skin. He then moved and placed another kiss on my neck which made me drop the sponge in the sink and turn around in his arms.

"Princess", I warned, "Don't start something you aren't ready to finish yet".

He blushed shyly and hid his face against my chest.

"What's wrong kitten?"

He whined against my shirt, probably because of the nickname, and clutched the black material of my shirt in his hands.

"Nothing", he mumbled but it wasn't convincing at all. I wrapped my arms around his waist and lifted him up the kitchen island which made the tips of his ears burn red.

"Tell me what's wrong", I stated, placing my hands on either side of his thighs. He nibbled onto his bottom lip while his gaze was pointed at the floor.

"I'm just- not used to being in a relationship", he mumbled, "And I guess the feeling of being cared for and liked is- making me very um"

"Needy?", I pointed out and his cheeks flushed a cherry red.

"I guess", he mumbled, his teeth sinking down his bottom lip.

He giggled awkwardly when he realized I was staring at him and tried sliding off the counter. I grabbed his sides and brought him down, caging him in my arms again.

"I don't mind the attention and affection so don't hesitate to touch me babe", I smirked, "Your neediness can be taken care of".

He slightly shrieked at this and dove underneath my arms, dashing off into the bedroom. The door slammed shut and I heard him yell, "Don't say things like that!", through the door.

I chuckled and went back to washing the dishes, knowing flustered Taehyung locked in the bedroom wasn't going to be of any help.

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