Chapter six

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It gets a little cuter every day

The next day was activities day. Since Lukas stayed in bed again at breakfast I was constantly spoken to as Lukas Whitechapel. I found it funny that no one had figured out yet that I didn't belong here. How stupid could they be?

At breakfast we got an activity schedule where we could choose from. I sat next to Taehyung, noticing how he became untalkative again. He wasn't as cheerful as he was at night but thankfully he didn't become completely mute. We discussed the options and we settled on going to the lake. This lake was obviously not the one we went to at night, this one was much larger and you could sail on it.

We were send back to our rooms to pack our stuff such as swim clothing and towels. Lukas was still snoring away so I wrote a little note and stuck it on his face. I didn't want him to go shouting around they left Lukas Whitechapel behind because I was him now. I found Taehyung waiting by the bus, seemingly glaring at the ground.

"What did the earth do to you?", I arched an eyebrow, waking him up out of his staring.

"Hmm? Oh nothing", he shook his head but the frown was still on his face. I wondered what was on his mind but I had the feeling he wasn't going to tell me.

"Everyone get on the bus!", a nun yelled and all the kids soon climbed in the vehicle. I sat down next to some boy since there were no seats for two free anymore. Taehyung ended up in the back of the bus next to some loud boys. He flinched every time they yelled at each other, his face scrunched up at their annoying behavior.

We soon arrived at the lake and I automatically found my way next to Taehyung again.

"Got some nice company?", I chuckled, seeing him glare at the boys in front of us who were still shouting and hitting each other.

"I dislike noisy people. Reason why I like being out at night. It's nice and quiet", he mumbled, crossing his arms.

The nuns started dividing the groups and I grabbed Taehyung by his arm as soon as we got our sailboat number.

"Hey, wanna get away from here?", I whispered in his ear and I saw him nod. We sneaked into the little forest next to where the group was standing. We sat down on a tree stump not too far away from the lake in case the bus would leave. The group dissolved as soon as the nuns clapped their hands, telling them to find their boat.

"So you're not a fan of loud noises, are you?", I asked, fumbling with the grass at our feet.

He shrugged, eyes fixated on the clear water of the lake that was visible through the bushes.

"I'm a calm person-"

I interrupted him already, "Except for when you are racing a paper race".

He chuckled shortly, "Okay, yeah, I hate losing at those. But outside of that I'd choose peace and quiet above busy and noisy situations".

I thought about it. I love the thrill of going on missions. The rush of adrenaline running through my veins when gunshots sound far away but are still close enough to hurt you. The thrill of killing someone, seeing their life end by your hands. Every time I came back into my room and laid on my bed I would hate the silence. Silence makes you remember things you'd rather want to bury as far and deep as possible in your brain. The ringing in your ears and the buzzing of your body... You don't feel that when you're busy. You don't have to think about life's problems when it's noisy.

"I'm the exact opposite", I sighed, stretching myself a little when I felt the rays of sun warming my body, "I'm bored whenever it's quiet. I don't like sitting around and enjoying the peace. I want to go out and do stuff".

Taehyung hummed as response, wiping the sweat off his forehead. The temperature had gone up by each passing day. I glanced at the blue water in the distance.

"Wanna take a dive?"

Taehyung immediately nodded, a smile forming on his lips.

"I've been subtly staring at the lake for ages, hoping you'd notice", he laughed, tugging me from the stump, "Come on! I'll race you to the lake!"

He started running, getting a headstart. He probably thought he was going to win, but what he didn't know was that I had been the fastest runner in the gang for years. Hence why I was chosen as leader. I was stealthy, clever, strategic, fast and strong. All the traits a leader needs.

I ran after him, already catching up to him. A devilish idea popped in my head and of course I went with it. As soon as I reached the panting Taehyung I swept him off his feet. He let out a yelp but quickly shut up when he noticed it was me who carried him.

"Jungkook~", he whined but still wrapped his arms around my neck to steady himself, "Set me down!"

"Nope", I said, popping the 'p'. I quickly reached the lake and heard Taehyung protesting.

"If you throw me into the lake I will-"

"You will what? Send God a prayer to punish me?", I grinned, loosening my grip on him and setting him down. He gave me a pointed look and dusted himself off.

"I take my belief very seriously. I don't get how your parents ever thought sending you here would be a good idea. You're obviously not a believer in anything", he frowned, taking his pants off to reveal swimming trunks underneath. He stuffed his pants into the bag he brought with him and his shirt shortly followed.

"Sometimes I wonder if it's right to come to camp again because honestly- half of the boys see this place as a punishment they have to live through. I come here to reflect on life and myself. I come here willingly not because my parents forced me to-"

While he rambled I couldn't help but let my gaze wander. His skin was tan and had a few moles. His tummy had a pouch which I found quite cute but beside that he was small in figure. He stopped rambling as soon as he realized everything he had been saying had gone through my ear and out of the other. I looked back up at him and saw the blush spreading on his face.

"Sorry, I wasn't listening", I smirked, seeing his eyes widen the slightest, "I was distracted by something more interesting".

I swear his face looked like a tomato as soon as those words left my mouth. I almost laughed but hid it by throwing my own shirt off. I couldn't help but notice his mouth falling slightly open and his eyes seeming stuck on my upperbody.

I decided not to say anything but I did flex my muscles a little just to see his reaction. Taehyung gulped and quickly turned around to look at the water, fumbling a little with his bag.

I took off my pants which revealed my black swimming trunks and slung my shirt and pants into my bag.

"I'm ready to swim".

"Good-", Taehyung yelped again as soon as I had picked him up again.

"Not again!", he whined but I detected the blush on his face that never seemed to leave. Our bodies moved against each other as I took him further into the lake, tan skin touching mine and I couldn't help but smirk.

"You're going to drop me aren't you?", he looked up at me with a glare.

"Or you can stay in my arms for the rest of the day", I shrugged, "I wouldn't mind".

Taehyung rolled out of my grip and into the water yelling a "Bye!"

"Tch", I chuckled, "That boy..."

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