Chapter nice

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Lukas left, telling me he had the perfect plan to make Jimin swoon for good. I watched him walk into the dorms, the same time Jimin left the building through the other exit. The said boy wandered onto the field with his hands stuffed in his pockets, sitting down with his group of friends. A smirk made its way on my lips as I realized this meant Taehyung was now alone & sulking in his room. Maybe we can talk things out now.

I slap myself mentally.

Since when do I talk things out? Since when do I care when I hurt someone by saying the wrong thing?

I'm changing because of JESUS!

I chuckled to myself and stood up, dusting the grass off my skinny jeans. I'm not the person to overthink things too much so let's push these thoughts to the back of my head like all the other unimportant stuff.

I casually strolled to the dorms, counting the doors until I stood still at the third door from my dorm. This is the room where Taehyung had crawled into through the window last time we met at night. I knocked on the door, hearing shuffling and bare feet padding onto the floor but the door wasn't ever opened. I furrowed my eyebrows and decided on trying my luck and barging inside.

There stood Taehyung in dark green boxers and wearing on oversized black shirt, his figure froze and his eyes widened. His hair was wet like he just took a shower and the darker shade quite fit him.

"I thought I'd said 'wait a sec'", he growled, quickly grabbing a pair of pants.

I smirked and leaned against the closed door, "I didn't hear that. Woops. Sorry".

He rolled his eyes and quickly put his jeans on, much to my dismay. It was a shame for such slim tan legs to be hidden behind some pants but I couldn't exactly tell him that.

"What are you doing here?", Taehyung asked when he finally zipped up his jeans and sat down on the bed.

"I heard you were sulking", I shrugged, "And I felt... bad? that I was the reason why".

Taehyung scoffed and crossed his arms, "I wasn't sulking".

"Lukas saw you and told me. Were you sulking in the shower too?", I arched an eyebrow seeing his eyes display 'fuck, I'm caught'.

"No", he shook his head sternly.

"So you weren't sad about our conversation earlier?"

He averted his eyes and a small pout formed on his lips as he draped a blanket over himself. The blanket was a bright pink with colorful flowers stitched onto it. My eyes were stuck on the flashy cloth and I raised an eyebrow at the way Taehyung's cheeks heat up.

"I accidently brought my sister's blanket. My grandma made it for her", he confessed, "It's honestly embarrassing".

"Hey, I'm all for gender neutral colors", I shrugged, walking over to Jimin's bed and sitting down on it, "But we're drifting off topic".

"We had a topic?", Taehyung chuckled, "You just barged into my room while I was half naked".

"I'm not complaining about that", I smirked, seeing him roll his eyes, "But I actually had a serious reason to come here".

"Really?", Taehyung swung his legs against the side of the bed which made a 'tock tock' noise.

I hummed, "Since I heard you were sulking in your room and since Lukas informed me I was sulking on the grassfield I decided to sulk together".

Taehyung arched an eyebrow, unamused.

"Okay, I came here to stop our sulking because we're both feeling crap and we're both the reasons why".

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