Chapter sixteen

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It was night time and I was getting ready for bed. I wasn't going to join the party going on downstairs since I was tired from the day already. Also, I wasn't fancy on getting drunk since hangovers are the worst kind of shit to deal with first thing in the morning, plus I had a meeting tomorrow at nine am.

I switched my black suit into a grey loose shirt and boxers, neatly tucking the suit back into the closet.

knock knock

I walked over to the door and opened it to see a sleepy but grumpy Taehyug in front of the door. Yoongi had him by his collar like the brunette was a wild animal.

"He tried to escape back to his room", Yoongi pushed him inside, so Taehyung almost bumped into me, and leaned against the doorframe, "Have fun. I'll be partying downstairs".

He left me and Taehyung alone and walked off.

"Trying to escape, not even from this place, but back to your own room?", I crossed my arms and stared at him. Taehyung was wearing a white oversized shirt and red shorts that used to be mine. He rubbed his foot against the carpet like he didn't know what to say.

"I just wanted to stay in my room", he mumbled, his gaze still stuck on the floor.

"Do you not like my company or something?", I walked over to the bed and left him standing at the door.

Taehyung just huffed, not even giving me a reply, and walked over to me. He jumped onto the bed and draped the covers over him, burying himself into the pillow.

"That's my side of the bed by the way", I pointed out. He opened one eye and closed it again, nuzzling his head against the pillow again.

"Well I'm not moving".

"As you wish".

"What are you- Jungkook!"

I picked up Taehyung and got into the bed myself, placing him down beside me but still with my arms wrapped around him. I heard him huff and he tried crawling away from me but he was stuck by the strong force which were my arms.

"Yah! Let go of me", he punched my arm and I practically heard the pout on his lips.

"You might escape", I reasoned, my voice already laced with sleep.

"The door's locked, no? And I never tried to escape when I was in your room before", he whined, his body already relaxing into my hold.

"Still don't trust you", I yawned, releasing one arm to run my hand through his soft hair, "Just sleep".

I still heard him huff but I didn't care as I soon fell asleep.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Why is he doing this? Why can't I just sleep in my room? Why does it have to be with him?

I don't have anything to say in this and I'm still scared that when I say something wrong, something terrible could happen to me. He's still a gang leader behind those bunny smiles and nice gestures. He kills people, sells drugs, steals money. He's bad news and I'm supposed to get out of here, be as far away as possible from people like him. But here I am, laying in his bed while being cuddled like a teddy bear by him.

I don't understand him. I shouldn't try understanding him since I'm good, pure and innocent. And he's anything but that. But after what Yoongi told me I've been trying to see another side of Jungkook, the one I saw at camp. The boy that just wants to have fun with friends, and not deal with a gang that was forced onto him.

But why would I befriend him in the first place when it will only end up in me being stuck here, away from my family, away from my baby sister, away from my friends.

Why would I give all of that up just for

Jeon Jungkook?

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