Chapter two

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Jungkook seems very chill and playful in this bc he's on 'vacation' but oh boy you should see him while he's doing business

Lukas turned out to be pretty chill and I was glad I had chosen this room. Pulling out my iPhone I heard him mumble something about meeting a friend and away he was. I sat on my bed and scrolled through my contact list, finding Namjoon's code name and pressing the button. I heard it ring a few times before a low voice picked up the phone, almost as if he was in a hurry.

"Jungkook?", he asked in a rush, "Is that really you?"

"Yeah", I said nonchalantly, leaning against the bed, "How are ya?"

"How I am? Dude you got chased by at least five police cars and a helicopter! How did you escape from that?"

"I have my ways- anyway Namjoon I need clothes in the place I'm staying at for the time being. Could you bring me some?", I stared up at the ceiling, counting the numerous cracks in it.

"Clothes? Wait- where are you staying?", he asked suspiciously.

"Some camp for teenagers. I already befriended one and he believed everything I said, pretty naïve for a seventeen year old if you ask me".

"Camp?", the skeptical answer came.

"Yeah it's supposed to be some kind of Christian camp but I don't really care, anyway- can you come as soon as possible? I kind of stink from all that running away from the feds. I'm in that big forest next to the candy factory".

He sighed, "I take it I'll run the gang now you're away".

"You read my mind bro".

Namjoon sighed once again, "Sure, I'll be there in an hour or something. See you then".

"Bye Joon".

I dropped the phone on the mattress and rolled over. I could take a nap since I have nothing else to do at the moment. Lukas didn't exactly tell me what the activities here were, and how I can avoid them. Before I can slip away into a nice sleep a knock interrupts my peace.

Groaning I push myself off the bed and stomp over to the door. The person who dared ruining my sleep can get a fist in his face.

"I swear to god Lukas just take your keys-", I stopped mid sentence as I saw a woman who looked very much like a nun glare at me.

"Did you just swear with God's name?", she pointed an accusing finger at me.

"I might have", smirking I leaned against the doorframe with crossed arms, "And you are?"

"Sister Susan", she said, seemingly shocked with my attitude, "Are you Lukas Whitechapel?"

I debated the answer for a moment before answering, "Yeah that's me".

"I can see why your parents sent you here", she eyed me with a wary gaze, "Church will be at 11 am. You better be there or you get an older looking over you".

"Uhh sure?", I arched my eyebrow and was about to close the door until she placed her foot between the gap.

"Dinner hours are at 8 am, 1 pm and 6 pm. If you're not on time then no dinner. Understood?"

"Yeah yeah just let me sleep", I rolled my eyes and closed the door for real now.

If that nun asks Lukas for his name then I'm fucked but hey! Getting fucked is always fun!

Now I got to finally sleep for real, no interruptions anymore. It was nice to finally rest a bit after being chased all night. My legs felt a bit sore and my feet hurt like a bitch but at least I have a good condition. Gang leaders need their stamina (and not only for running!)

So after catching up on some sleep and being awakend because of Lukas furiously shaking me awake and me aggressively jumping on him as natural reaction, we finally made it into church. The church wasn't that big and could more resemble a chapel than anything else. The chapel was situated right in the middle of the cabins so everyone would have the walk the same distance. Roughly fifty kids could fit in there and lucky for us we were one of the first so yay front row seats!

The priest bid us all welcome and after some singing and some other shit we were free to go. We got some spare time till lunch and after that camp activities would really start. I decided to get to know the camp place and roam around a bit, make some new buddies and lie in their faces.

Lukas joined me, seemingly bored out of his mind as everyone had to hand in their electronic devices at the entrance (that I skipped so woopty doo I still have my phone!) He lead me around the open space and mostly avoided other kids as he didn't seem that much of the social type. Our last destination was the chapel. I looked around the building I was in only an hour ago and found a boy sitting on his knees in front of the seats, candle lit on the altar.

"Is that a holy sacrifice to communicate with Satan and his plan on burning us all down to the ground?", I whispered to Lukas who merely chuckled at my joke.

"You saw too many horror christian movies my friend", he hit my shoulder lightly, "No that's Taehyung, he comes here everyone morning, afternoon and evening to pray when he has the time".

I frowned, eyeing the back of the boy suspiciously, "And why's that?"

"I don't know. I've never really spoken to him before. I see him here every year I go to this camp so I guess he's a big believer", he shrugged.

"Can you please tone down a little? I can't hear myself thinking", a small voice spoke up and my eyes unconsciously moved to the source of that sound. Taehyung.

Since when did angels exist? Because I'm seeing one in front of me right now.

"I have a better solution. Don't think! Always works with me", I threw him my signature smirk which he frowned at. Such nice eyebrows- actually scratch that- everything about his face was aesthetic. As if teen God had been obsessed with aesthetics and created the human version of it.

Oh crap I'm talking about God already. It's creeping into my head!

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