Chapter thirty

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I accidentally published this chapter instead of saving it 💃🏻 but here's the real deal. (I also have 2 new books out which I'll be updating tonight)

Taehyung's P.O.V

I don't know what happened or how it had become such a mess but it seemed that the people who were out to get me and Jungkook had followed us here. I was pressing my body into the corner of the bedroom, hearing faint gunshots and yells booming from inside the living room. Every time a gun went off I whimpered more and tried hiding myself from the evil men that were outside. Jungkook had stormed out of the bedroom when we heard a suspicious sound at night and had suddenly locked the door. I couldn't question why he did that because the gun fire had started abruptly, signalizing me that Jungkook had tried to protect me by locking that door.

I don't know how long this has been going on but I do know that my heart suddenly leaped out of my chest when I heard someone messing with lock.

Jungkook has the key, why would he take so long on opening the door. It's not Jungkook is it- oh god- Hide Taehyung! Hide!

I dropped down on the carpeted floor and rolled under the bed, making myself as small as possible without making too much noise by shuffling around. The door suddenly creaked open and I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to see the evil man inside the room. The light flicked on and footsteps walked around the bed before I heard something drop.

My eyes shot open as I felt something touch my leg and realized that someone dropped on his knees to examine what was under the bed.


I bit back a sob when I heard his soothing voice and blinked away the tears when I saw Jungkook looking under the bed, his hand slowly caressing my leg.

"A-Are you okay?", I managed to ask but before he could answer I saw blood dripping on the carpet.

I shrieked and crawled from underneath he bed, touching his forehead where a deep cut was visible.

"It's okay", Jungkook tried to tell me but I stubbornly shook my head, pressing the sleeves of my shirt on the wound to soak the blood.

"I'm okay", he repeated, taking my hands in his and sending a comforting smile my way.

"Y-you're hurt", I stuttered, casting my gaze down, "That's not okay".

"It is when it means you're not hurt".

I stomped his chest, "That's cheesy. Stop that".

I heard him chuckle darkly and then ruffle my newly dyed hair.

"Come on redhead. We should go", he said, suddenly slinging me on his shoulder.

"What!? Jungkook! Set me down! Where are we going?"

He kicked the door open and brought me inside, murmuring a 'don't look' before going over to the kitchen. I tried not looking – I swear – but unfortunately curiosity got the best of me and I was shocked to see dead bodies littering the small living room. Some stabbed, others shot and this all by the man that was holding me in his arms.

Jungkook didn't say anything else, only grabbed a bag in the kitchen which seemed to be filled with food and walked out of the apartment.

"You didn't answer my question", I whined when he stepped inside of the elevator with me still on his shoulder. I was glad it was night so people wouldn't see me like this because that would have been embarrassing.

He placed me back on the ground once we were in front of his car and opened the door for me, signalizing for me to get in.

"Ladies first", he joked, bowing down to prove his point.

"Uglies after", I mimicked him, sliding inside the car and hearing the door slam shut. Jungkook strolled to the other side of the vehicle and got in behind the steering wheel, starting the engine before driving out of the parking space.

"Jungkook", I sighed, seeing his gaze directed on the dark street which made him look very hot – if I must say, "You still didn't say where we-"

"Home", he said, interrupting me sentence, "You're going home".

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