Chapter twenty eight

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This is... something different.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Everything was so hot. The usual cold air burnt against my skin as fingers slid from my shoulders to my naked waist. I gasped for air when the mouth that had been pressed against mine disappeared and latched onto my neck. I mewled into the covers when long slim fingers wrapped around my sweatpants, tugging them down in one go. One hand reached to cup my face when thick thighs positioned themselves next to my hips, caging me onto the bed.

I bucked my hips when the person kissing me lustfully grazed over my boxers.

"J-Jungkook", I mumbled against the lips that didn't want to let go of mine, "P-Please".

"Mmh... What is it baby?"

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, seeing the dark ceiling above me and feeling the clothes I was wearing suffocate me. Jungkook was lying on his side next to me, his eyes open and curiously staring at me.

"What were you dreaming about?", he asked, tracing my jawline.

"N-Nothing", I mumbled, feeling the hard on press painfully against my shorts. Did I dream all that? Why!?

"You were moaning my name", he stated casually, a big smirk forming on his lips once he saw my expression grow to panic.

"Wh-What? No!", I shrieked, turning my back to him so he wouldn't see my embarrassed face. I was lucky for the darkness in the room to hide my heated cheeks.

I heard him sigh and scoot closer to me. I noticed his body aligning with mine so we were spooning and he wrapped an arm around my waist. Feeling myself relax a little, I nuzzled further into the covers, believing he let the topic go and decided on going back to sleep again.

Or not.

His arm slid lower until it was slung around my hip. My eyes fluttered back open when I felt the movement and anticipated the next move. Nothing happened so I nuzzled my face into the cushion and closed my eyes again.

A loud moan rippled through the air and I quickly bit my bottom lip to shut myself up. I tried relaxing but it turned out to be quite difficult when a large hand had slipped underneath my shorts and was slowly caressing my hard on.

I couldn't see Jungkook's face from this angle but I knew he had that big shit eating grin on his face. I gripped my shirt in my hands and tried muffling the moans spilling out of my mouth every time Jungkook gave my member a small squeeze or fastened his pace.

His other hand moved over to my chin and he gripped it, turning it over so we were facing each other. He moved in for a kiss, hungrily biting down on my bottom lip as I whimpered against his mouth. It strained my neck but I didn't care as my body was experiencing great pleasure, being in bliss by being touched by my lover.

The kiss got more heated the more his hand picked up its speed. I moaned into the kiss and his tongue slipped into my mouth which momentarily sent me to another world. He gave one final squeeze before I came all over his hand and my shorts. We pulled back for air and I hid my face into the pillow, feeling my body shudder from the wave of pleasure crashing down on me.

"Go back to sleep kitten", Jungkook whispered, kissing the exposed skin on my shoulder, before climbing out of bed, "I'll clean the mess. After all, I was the one who made it".

I tried protesting but fatigue quickly took over me until I was passed out on the bed, not realizing the fond stare the ravenette was giving me before he walked out of the room.

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