Chapter twenty six

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Something was bothering Jungkook. I don't know why I thought this but he felt different. In what way? I had no idea. Maybe it was because he acted more protective over me. Maybe it was in the way he stared at me. Maybe it was the cold behavior he sometimes brought up.

I didn't know what exactly was bothering him but I knew that it had started the morning we woke up after confessing to each other.

We had been walking through the corridor leading to the elevator when he had randomly pushed me forward and had told me to get in the elevator, he himself suddenly disappearing to somewhere.

A few hours later he had pushed me inside of the meeting room and told me to only come out when he told me to. And before that he had swept my glass of water off the table, telling me to get something else.

A day later I wasn't even allowed outside of my room.

And now I was stuck in the bathroom taking a shower while the door was locked from the outside. I don't know why I had been suddenly forced to take a shower but I felt quite bad about it. Did I smell or something? Why was he suddenly so cold towards me? Did I do something wrong? Was he having second thoughts?

I sighed and washed the shampoo out of my hair, feeling the warm water cascade down my body and reveling in the way my tense muscles relaxed.

A sudden knock on the door got me out of my somewhat trance and I heard the door slightly creak open. The shower had a green curtain in front of it so I couldn't see the person at the door and the other way around. I closed the faucet and heard Jungkook clear his throat.

"Are you finished yet?"

"I guess", I replied, shivering as the cold air of the bathroom hit me. I couldn't grab my towel since it was lying on the closed lid of the toilet and that would mean I had to step out naked in front of Jungkook.

"Can you pass me the towel?", I asked shyly, gulping when I heard his footsteps resonate through the bathroom and suddenly a towel was pushed against my chest, his hand reaching behind the curtain in order to respect my privacy.


He hummed and I didn't hear his footsteps leave, meaning he was still standing in front of the shower.

"Is there something wrong?", I asked, drying myself and afterwards wrapping the towel around myself.

"No", he replied coldly.

I huffed and slid the curtain open, revealing a Jungkook dressed in blue jeans, black shirt and with tousled hair. I ignored his dark eyes shamelessly checking me out and hurriedly grabbed my clothes.

"If there's nothing wrong, can you leave now? I need to dress myself", I asked, glancing around the room with slightly tinted cheeks as his gaze never left my body.

He hummed and finally left the room. I felt myself calm down and quickly dressed myself into a white shirt and black sweatpants. I hung the towel on the rack so it could dry and walked out, finding Jungkook staring out of the big window that displayed a city in the distance with twinkling lights.

Gathering my courage I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, giving him a backhug. I heard him sigh and he placed his hands on mine.

"What do you think about leaving this place?"

I detached myself and tilted my head in confusion.


He turned around with a gaze that seemed full of determination.

"What are you talking about?", I asked. Did he mean me leaving this place? Was he letting me go? Did this mean he really didn't like me?

He looked down and only now I realized his neck was wounded. I walked over to him and touched the wound that looked like it had had an arrow stuck in it or something.

"What happened?", I gasped, feeling him step back.

"Nothing", he replied, "But we should leave as soon as possible".


I furrowed my eyebrows, dropping my hand again, "Wh- I don't know what you're talking about. Why are you acting like this? Why have you been so cold all the time? Did I do something wrong?"

He sighed and shook his head slowly.

"You did nothing wrong Taehyung. You're perfect. But there are bad people out there that want to ruin that perfection", he stepped closer and cupped my cheek.


I shut up as soon as I felt his lips touch mine. I meltee in his embrace and whined when he pulled back with a smile. Though it quickly faded into a grim expression.

"We'll leave as soon as possible. I'll pack our stuff tomorrow and then we're out of here".

"But where are we going?", I asked, still not knowing what this was really about. The kidnappings? But no one had tried something like that again. Everything was okay.

"I know some place".

Jungkook's P.O.V

I knew he was confused but I couldn't tell him about everything. He would freak out. He would be paranoid all the time. He was happy and I didn't want to ruin those brightly shining eyes. I didn't want them to become dull or fearful.

So I kept my mouth shut about the poison arrows aimed at him. The knife attacks. The drugs finding its way in his drinks. I didn't tell him about all the attacks that had hit me, instead of him.

I needed to keep him happy.

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