Chapter eighteen

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"Everything is clear. All the members left", Namjoon tells me after the place was thoroughly checked. I sighed in relief and ran a hand through my now sweaty and dirty hair. I hadn't expected for this fight to become so heavy. They weren't planning on giving up even if they were in the minority. I didn't know what made them suddenly pull back. Was it the realization they were losing ground or that their number was getting smaller?

I scrunched my nose at all the bloodied people lying dead on the ground, some belonging to my gang, most of them to the Rattlesnakes.

"Get this place cleaned up by noon", I told the members surrounding me. They nodded their heads and started running around, telling others my command so they could start soon. I turned on my heels and trudged upstairs. I wondered if Taehyung was still sleeping or if he had woken up by the commotion on the first floor.

Finally reaching my room I found out that the door was unlocked...

Did Taehyung do this? He couldn't-

"Taehyung!", I barged in and saw what I most feared, the bed was empty and there was no sign of Taehyung being anywhere inside of the room. Before I could start cursing his entire existence I noticed the chilly air, like a breeze came into the room. It was like a quick deduction of my own to make out that Taehyung didn't escape on his own. Well, he maybe didn't escape at all.

I went over to the window and pulled at the rope that hung beside the window. Someone had crawled from the roof to this window and had managed to open it. The faint scent of chloroform then led me to the bed, to the space where I had slept and which Taehyung had then rolled into. I looked at the door and saw a small dent in it, like someone had tried kicking the door in from the inside. And then I felt the key burning in my pocket, letting me confirm I had really locked the door, meaning someone had lockpicked it.

My fists clenched and rage filled my veins. I could feel my vision turning red when I realized who had done this and why the fight of tonight had taken place.

They had been here to steal something precious.

And now they had taken Taehyung away from me.

"I'm coming for you", I growled, dashing downstairs to assemble Yoongi and Namjoon.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I slowly reached the surface, the world getting clearer around me. I gasped for air as soon as I reached consciousness again but started coughing when this made the filthy cloth in my mouth suck in deeper. My eyes darted around the place but all I could see was black, soon I realized I was blindfolded and also tied to something resembling a chair.

I tried yelling out but all that was heard were few muffled screams coming from my sore throat.

"Easy there pretty boy", a menacing voice spoke up, "I'll help you out again".

I winced at the harsh light suddenly invading my eyes. The blindfold had been thrown off but I barely had time to recover when I felt fingers reaching into my mouth, making me slightly gag when the cloth was removed.

"Isn't that much better?"

I stared at the grinning man in front of me with squinted eyes. He was the one that had taken me from Jungkook's gang. He was quite recognizable with his few missing teeth and one golden tooth standing in the middle. He had faded purple hair and wrinkles on his face but he didn't look too old.

"Kim Taehyung, right?", he asked, throwing the spit soaked cloth on some sort of wooden table. I just stared at him blankly, trying to look brave though I was anything but that.

"Cat got your tongue?", he tilted his head to the side, "Or should I go look for it?"

He grabbed a sharp knife off the table and neared me. My eyes went wide and I quickly stuttered something out along the lines of "Y-Yes I-I'm K-K-Kim T-ae-hyung".

"Good boy", the man smiled with all his tooth on display and threw the knife out of his hands, "You're easily scared, aren't ya? So what were you doing sleeping in the room of Jeon Jungkook? That's not really a safe place is it?"

"H-He invited m-me in", I spoke truthfully.

"Is that so?", the man hummed in thought, "Has Jeon created a soft spot for you hmm?"

I shook my head quickly, "N-No it's not-nothing like th-that".

He didn't reply and checked his wrist watch, "Well seems like time's up for today. I hope you enjoyed your moment of freedom".

The warm wet cloth was pushed into my mouth again and I didn't dare struggling when the blindfold was tied in front of my eyes again.

"We'll see if Jungkook has taken a liking to you, or if he is leaving you to rot in here", I heard the man speak but his footsteps went further away, "Enjoy your stay Kim Taehyung".

I heard a heavy metal door shut closed.

And that's the moment the panic kicked in.

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