Chapter eight

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Sorry for the long wait. I finally ended Bitter Sweet Symphony (sorry I ended it already. I might write an extra chapter if people want so) Now I can focus on the other fanfictions.

Apparently we were free to do what we wanted to do today. Not that I'm complaining or anything but I was kinda bored. I already smoked two cigarettes and dragged Lukas out of bed like every goddamn day. I saw that Jimin kid sneaking into our room again so I decided not to interrupt them this time and let them do whatever gay stuff they were planning on doing.

I'm not really proud of this but I think I'm subconsciously searching for a certain brunette. I mean- my gaze has been wandering all over the field ever since we left breakfast. I haven't seen Taehyung and was worried... no- mildly concerned why the goody two shoes (who also sneaks out at night) wouldn't attend breakfast. He's a big eater so why would he skip the most important meal of the day??

I reached for my cigs again but halted when I saw a flash of something running behind the trees. What the fuck was that!? I glanced around to see if someone else had noticed it. Little groups of boys were sitting down on the grass, enjoying the summersun and talking away about their ordinary lives. None of them seemed startled so I guess no one else saw? I pushed myself off the brick wall I was leaning against and strolled across the field, ignoring curious glances coming from the groups on the field. I haven't really introduced myself to anyone since I don't belong here and I'm not here to make friends. Well... Taehyung is an exception I guess, but only because he snuck out at night at the same time I did.

I walked inside the woods where a group of boys were building a camp out of branches and sticks. They snickered about some innuendo a guy made so they didn't notice my presence as I passed them. The flash disappeared inside the woods so I guess I'm following it. The deeper I went into the woods, how quieter it got. The sun didn't quite reach this part of the forest since the high trees hid the ground from the light. A brown rabbit hopped along and scurried away as it sensed my presence. I watched it go and followed a dirt trail until I ended up at... nothing. Great. Now I'm just in the middle of the woods for no reason.

"Don't cry. I'm praying for you every moment I can. You'll heal just like me".

I jerked my head to the origin of the sound. A red hoodie peeked from behind a tree and I immediately recognized the deep voice of Kim Taehyung.

"I promise. I'm taking pictures for you, the nice black and white ones. Yes, aesthetic enough to match with the others up on your wall".

I stepped closer until I heard the call end. I was now on the other side of the tree and he still hadn't noticed me. This is what you get with years of training to be in a gang.

"You know phones are forbidden right?"

I heard Taehyung shriek and jump from behind the tree with wide eyes. He pointed at me with a trembling arm and a glare appeared on his face.

"You!", he shouted.

"Me", I grinned. He dropped his hand and rolled his eyes, stuffing his phone away into his jean pocket.

"What are you doing here?", he asked, crossing his arms to show how unamused he was.

"I can ask you the same".

"You followed me here", he stated, tilting his head to the side.

"When I see someone suspiciously bolting into the deep forest then yes, I will follow them because believe me, if I weren't so bored to death on this camp, I wouldn't have been here", I cross my arms too.

Against all expectations a smirk appeared on his lips.

"What?", I asked warily.

"You were bored without me~", he sang, pointing at me, "Awe were you worried~?"

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