Chapter fourteen

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I sighed.


"I'm lonelyyyy"

"Pay attention to me for just a minutee".

"Why did you kidnap me when you won't talk to meeeee".

I dropped my pencil and looked over my shoulder when Taehyung buried his face in my back, his hands wrapping around me.

"You've been awake for five minutes. How bored can you get in that short amount of time?", I asked, closing the document since I knew there was no way of finishing it with having such a needy Taehyung around.

"Very", he pouted, releasing me.

"Well you're lucky I needed a break anyway", I sighed, "You know what time it is?"

He shook his head confused.

"Dinner time", I grinned and saw his eyes, instead of brighten like I thought they would, sadden.

"So you're leaving me to go eat right? I'll have to stay here and be bored again right?", he said in a small voice, his whole figure deflating when he sat down on the bed.

I pondered for a moment before I made up my mind.

"I'll take you out this room for dinner. You can't run far with the gang around the table", I decided, standing up from the chair to see his expression go from sad to instant happy.

"Really?", he asked hopeful.

I nodded which made him jump up.

"Yes! Thank you Kook!", he flashed me his rectangular smile and skipped to the door, patiently waiting for me to open it.

He looks like a puppy, I unconsciously thought, a really small & cute puppy.

Even though I didn't really think he would run away just like that, I still grabbed the handcuffs that were hidden in my drawer (don't ask me why they are there) and walked over to him. His expression immediately changed to shock when he felt his left arm being linked with mine through cold metal.

"Now you can't run away for sure", I smiled, opening the door. He whined and huffed but still followed me like a puppy. I dragged him down the hallway, him trailing behind me while his eyes flicked to every window and door.

"This is a very big building", he pointed out when we stepped inside of the elevator.

"This is a very big gang too", I answered, a little childlike since he was acting like one.

He tapped his feet against the floor while humming some kind of pop song. I didn't quite recognize it since I don't have enough time to listen to those sort of music every day.

"Are we going to have dinner with the whole gang?", Taehyung asked when the elevator dinged.

I shook my head, "No we have a certain time span when we can get dinner. So not everyone is at the table at the same hour. Dinner has already started half an hour ago and will end at 8 pm".

"Oh because there are too many people to feed at once?", Taehyung guessed.


We walked to the biggest room in the building where there were several tables lined up. The room was half empty but there was still a lot of commotion going on. Some guys were betting on some stuff or stealing each other's food. Others were showing off their muscles by a game of arm wrestling.

"Woah", Taehyung breathed out, "They all look so... normal".

I arched an eyebrow and looked at him, "What did you expect to see? Broad guys littered with tattoos, wearing expensive suits and smoking cigars?"

He nodded.

"We aren't the mafia you know".

"It's not like I've ever seen a gang in real life you know", Taehyung retorted, "Let me live".

I rolled my eyes and dragged him to where the chef was handing out dishes.

"Hey Jin hyung", I smiled, taking a plate from the counter.

"Hi Jungkookie", Jin answered with a smile though it faltered a little when he noticed the boy handcuffed to me, "And who's this pretty baby?"

Taehyung immediately blushed a deep red and stared down at his plate.

"This is Taehyung", I looked back at Jin but now with a slight glare.

"Don't stare at him. It's making him uncomfortable", I hissed at the older male behind the counter who chuckled.

"Like you aren't with your handcuffs", Jin spoke with a laugh in his voice, "And since when do you care if someone's comfortable or not?"

I glared at the giggling man and dragged the still flustered Taehyung to a table.

"That was Jin hyung. He's the mom around here. He cooks and nurses", I explained when we sat down at an empty spot. He nodded and began chewing on a piece of chicken.

"Is there something wrong?", I asked, seeing him so down & silent was a rare sight for me.

"I just realized something", he murmured, playing with the rice on his plate, "You're letting me meet people and tell me their names. You inform me about your gang and how things work around here. I just- it hit me then".

"What do you mean?", I questioned, very confused now.

He sighed and glanced up at me with his now dull brown eyes, "You won't ever let me go right? I would be too big of a danger since I know about your hideout, your people and your work ways. I'm stuck here forever aren't I?"

I brought our linked arms on top of the table and stared at them.

"Maybe. But you forgot the best part".

He tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"You're stuck here forever with me".


Wink wonk

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