Chapter thirteen

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Double update for my buddies/ mates/ pals/ friendos/ amigos/ lizards- wait what?

The following day I noticed Yoongi leaning against the doorframe of my office. He had a smirk playing on his lips though he seemed to have no intention on speaking to me first. I tried to stay focused on the paperwork in front of me until his gaze finally irked me enough to make me look up.

"What is it Yoongi?", I sighed, gripping the pencil tighter in my fist. I was already behind on reading all these documents and now he was here to annoy me even further than I already was.

"Nothing", he smiled and if he wasn't one of my closest members I would have dug my pencil through his eyeball.

"Well, if you have no business here you can fuck off now. I'm enough behind on work already without you bothering me", I said through gritted teeth, waving my hand shortly to dismiss him.

He didn't do as I said though and stepped inside the office.

"And why's that?", he asked, leaning his hand on the desk, looming over me, "You're always so focused so why aren't you now?"

"Because you're here annoying the shit out of me".

He shook his head slowly, "No you were already behind on work before I came in here. Is there something- or someone- so special on your mind today that it interrupts your focus?"

I had no answer to this because yes there was something bugging me. And yes it was keeping me from work.

"Why don't you give your work to Namjoon?", Yoongi proposed, "He won't care".

I threw him a strange look, "And why should I give someone else my work? It's not my intention to overwork my smartest addition to the team just because I can't focus".

"He's been doing your job ever since you took a break at that camp. He won't care like I said. I think he actually enjoyed being in charge".

"I hope he doesn't enjoy it too much", I spoke.

"Namjoon is not someone who's drawn to power. He likes you as a leader, we all do, so don't act so wary", Yoongi said, pushing himself off the desk, "Just tell Namjoon you're not feeling too good and he will finish reading those documents for you".

He walked through the door but suddenly came to a halt. I furrowed my eyebrows as he turned his head around.

"Oh by the way. That kid wanted to see you. Told me he was bored and missed your company or something. Seems like he's starting to grow attached to you. Hope that's not a mistake on his side".


I walked through the hallway to my room. When I unlocked it and walked inside I almost dropped the documents in my hands from the adorable sight in front of me. Taehyung had fallen asleep on my bed while waiting for me. His legs and one arm dangled off the bed and his face was smushed against the mattress. I decided on not waking him since he seemed tired so I walked to my desk and started doing my paperwork there. After some time I heard a rustle behind me and joints popping.

"Mmm Jungkook?", Taehyung said with a voice thick of sleep. I placed my pen down and turned around in the swivel chair, eyeing the sleepy boy in front of me.

"Good afternoon sleepyhead", I chuckled, seeing him yawn, "Why are you so tired?"

He pushed himself off the bed and rubbed his eyes, "Couldn't sleep at night".

"And why's that?", I asked, following his movements. He walked over to me and sat down on the desk, shortly glancing at the documents sprawled across it.

"The weather", he yawned again, swinging his legs a bit, "Hate storms. 'T was very cold too".

"I'll let someone bring an extra blanket to your room alright? And maybe some warm pajamas too hmm?", I said, bringing my hand up to his leg and keeping it there. He nodded sleepily, not seeming to care about the contact. He looked at the desk.

"What were you doing before I woke up?", he asked, looking back up at me.

"Some paperwork", I shrugged, collecting the documents to put them down on a pile.

My words seemed to confuse him since his eyebrows were suddenly furrowed.

"You mean-", he started, "That you also do boring desk work and not only shooty shooty work?"

I laughed, "Yes we don't only murder people for a living. We also do paper work to keep everything in order".

"Hadn't expected that", he frowned but shrugged afterwards. His feet hit the desk with every swing and I realized something by glancing at his socks.

"Are those Yoongi's clothes?"

Taehyung stilled his movements and looked down.

"Ah yeah, he brought me here again and threw a pile of clothes at me. They were smaller so they fit me better".

I disliked seeing Taehyung in Yoongi's clothes for some reason. I didn't care if they fit him better. They weren't my clothes and that bothered me.

"I want you to change", I stated, standing up from my chair to rummage through my wardrobe.

"What?", I heard him ask confused. He jumped off the desk and made his way over to me. "Why?"

"Just do as I told you", I sighed, pushing some clothes in his hands, "You can use the bathroom".

He threw me a confused look but followed my order without any further protest. Shortly after he disappeared into the bathroom I heard a knock on the front door. I swung it open and internally sighed when I saw who the person in front of me was.

"What is it now Yoongi?"

He completely dismissed my question. "Where's Taehyung?", he asked, peeking inside of the room.

"Why do you care?", I crossed my arms, eyeing him warily.

His question was answered anyway when Taehyung walked out of the bathroom in shorts, a baggy sweater and some fluffy socks.

"Why is he wearing your clothes?", Yoongi pointed out.

"Why was he wearing your clothes in the first place?"

Taehyung sat down on the bed, feeling awkward hearing us talk about him.

"They obviously fit him better", Yoongi smirked, "So why did he need to change".

"That's none of your business", I spoke through gritted teeth, "Bye Yoongi".

I slammed the door in his face and locked it again.

"Sorry you had to hear that", I sighed, running my hand through my hair, "Yoongi has been acting like an annoying piece of shit all day which is not his usual attitude".

"He was right though", Taehyung spoke softly, fumbling with a loose string of the sweater, "Why did I need to change?"

I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. He didn't flinch or was uncomfortable in my presence anymore which I appreciated. Though I found it weird why he wasn't rebelling or asking me to let him go. Why was he suddenly fine with being imprisoned? I shook the thoughts off me, deciding I would worry about those later.

"Because I don't like to see you wearing Yoongi's clothes", I said truthfully.

He frowned, "You make no sense".

"I don't care", I smiled, looking at the annoyed teenager, "And to be honest. Aren't bigger clothes more comfy?"

"Hmpf", he huffed, "Maybe..."

"Then this settles it. Don't accept any clothes from Yoongi from now on", I said, getting up from the bed again, "I'm going to finish my paperwork. You can sleep here if you want. I can still see dark circles under your eyes".

He huffed again but I heard his snores only ten minutes later.

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