Chapter forty two

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I've noticed that my limbs have been twitching a lot lately and idk what's causing it.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I giggled, grabbing a handful of bubbles and applying them on my chin. The bath water had gone lukewarm and I had lost the rubber duckie a while ago. I had first protested when I saw the bubbles Jungkook had done in the bath, as if I was some sort of child. But now I couldn't help but amuse myself with them. Jungkook had told me I smelt of cheap products the institute used to wash me with. So I had gotten peach and strawberry shampoo plus soap to wash myself with.

To be honest I had been craving on taking a long warm bath so I actually needed to thank Jungkook for doing this.


I looked up from the bubbles to see Jungkook halt in the doorway, his eyes directed to my bubble beard.

"Hi Kook", I smiled widely, squishing some bubbles in my hands.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long", he chuckled, dropping his hand from the doorknob, "Hasn't the water gone cold by now?"

I shrugged, "A little, but out of the water it's even colder". I let myself slide deeper into the tub so only my eyes and nose were visible above the water.

"Come on", he rolled his eyes, walking closer, "Dinner's been ready for ages".

I squeaked when he came too close. Luckily the bubbles were covering my body but it still felt surreal for him to stand so close while I was completely naked.

He noticed my pink cheeks and smirked. Grabbing a fluffy towel that hung on the rack he turned to me and held it open.

"Are you serious?", I said in a small voice.

"I won't look", he promised and closed his eyes tightly while looking to the side. I huffed, the bubbles in front of my mouth flying away. After an internal debate I got out, immediately cursing the air for being so damn cold. I almost dived into the towel and felt it closing around me, a smiling Jungkook tucking the towel around my body.

"You didn't peek, did you", I pouted with narrowed eyes.

"I wouldn't dare", he smiled, ruffling my wet locks with another smaller towel.


"I weally miffed foob", I mumbled with a mouth full of food. Jungkook rolled his eyes and threw me a napkin.

"My baby is back!", Jin smiled widely, hugging me from the side while I stuffed another spoonful of rice into my mouth. Yoongi and Namjoon sat at our table too, sharing an occasional glance or smile.

Jungkook seemed content, the smile on his lips never leaving, and I felt happy just being here.

"I still had to tell you", he said, shoving his rice around, "I had a talk with your parents".

Me, and the rest of the group almost choked on our food. I coughed and grabbed for my glass of water, chugging it all down.

"You what!?", I shrieked, my imagination already showing me what could have happened if my parents and Jungkook would ever meet.

The rest of the group stared at him in disbelief.

"What? You think I would just kidnap you again without your parents knowing?", he asked innocently, almost confused why everyone was acting so shocked, "They told me to take you with me since you would be the safest with me. They know you're here and I told them they could contact you".

"Wha- that's- woah. I can't believe they didn't murder you on the spot", I spluttered amazed.

"I was holding their son in my arms. Trying to kill me wouldn't be the best option at that moment", he chuckled, dropping his fork, "Are you angry?"

I shook my head immediately, "No! of course not. I'm just amazed you had the courage to do that. You cared for my parents so they wouldn't have to worry again".

"He wouldn't want his parents in law to hate him", Jin mocked which made Yoongi and Namjoon laugh.

I felt myself blush a bit, but for the very first time I detected that same blush on Jungkook's face too.

I didn't know he could be that cute.


Okay Jungkook wasn't cute. What had I been thinking when saying that. This guy transformed for a cute bunny to a fluffing god or something.

He had told me he was going to work out for a bit in the underground gym they had. I first had showed no interest but soon followed him there since I was really bored. I asked some gang members for directions and ended up in the gym that was almost empty except for the raven haired gang leader's presence.

I stood behind some sort of machine, watching him lift weights. My mouth fell open a bit and I had to watch out for drool slipping out. I never realized just how strong he really was.

"I know you're there", I heard him sing song and my cheeks flushed red at the realization he caught me staring wide eyed at him working out.

"Having fun?", he smirked, his eyes following my movements as I walked out from behind the machine.

"I-I wasn't-"

"Staring? I know you were", he grinned and sat up. He patted his lap and I shyly shuffled over to him, placing my legs on either side of his hips. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and I couldn't help but trail my hands from his shoulders all the way to his hands, feeling the muscles tense underneath my touch.

He ruffled his hair that was damp from sweating and I internally prayed to God to let this torture stop. My hormones couldn't handle a sweaty, bare muscled and smirking Jungkook. And most of all while sitting on his lap.

"What are you thinking about?", he asked, trailing his hand through my hair.

You know what you are doing to me you bastard, I cursed him in my mind. I decided two can play this game and pretended to be really uncomfortable in lap so I began shuffling. His eyes darkened and I suddenly stopped when the pads of his fingers pressed tightly into my waist.

"I guess we're thinking of the same thing".

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