Chapter thirty seven

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"He wants to see you".

For some reason those words didn't make me feel a thing. I felt his gaze burning holes into my body but I didn't know what the react. Taehyung wanted me to meet him. Was he willing to give me another chance after fucking up twice?

You know you fucked up more than that.

The covers were suddenly throws off my body and I stared at the person standing beside my bed. Yoongi gave me a fierce gaze and yanked my arm to try and get me out of bed.

"Stop sulking", he hissed, "Are you a leader or what?"

"I didn't want to be thrown into this gang and become a fucking leader", I yanked by arm back and let it fall on the mattress, "If I go now, I'll only fuck things up even more".

"If you don't go he'll never give you a chance again. He's willing to let you come to his house and explain yourself".

I sighed and turned on my side.

"What's the point?"

I heard Yoongi groan, "Since when did you become such a whiny teenager? Get out of that bed and go get your man".

"But what if he-"

"I swear to god if you start your emo talk again I'll shove my foot down your throat. Jeon Jungkook is not a fucking scared little shit", Yoongi growled, "Taehyung wants to see you and I'll bring you to him if necessary".

Taehyung's P.O.V

How much anxiety can be stored up inside of a human body? How much stress can you go through before you eventually pass out? I had no idea. But I was going to find out soon if Jeon fluffing Jungkook wasn't going to show up in the following minutes.

I was pacing up and down my bedroom, tugging at my grass green shirt and jeans shorts. How was I going to survive talking to him? I had realized that I got a bit scared of him after seeing the images of him online. I hadn't ever seen him go on a rampage like that until I saw the video that was leaked by some local news station.

Was I regretting my choice of letting him come here? Maybe. Could I do something about it? No. I wrapped my sister's baby pink blanket around my shoulders and sat down onto the bed. She gave it to me because it had always helped her through hard times and she thought I was going through rough time too. I smiled and nuzzled my face into the fluffy blanket.

The wind swept against the curtains since I let the window open for Jungkook. The ladder which Yoongi used to climb up, was still standing there so there wouldn't be a problem for him to reach my window.

After a few more minutes of waiting for him I heard something rustle in the garden. Footsteps were heard afterwards and the ladder creaked a little. I averted my gaze from the window as soon as my heart started beating like crazy.

Calm down. It's only Jungkook. He has killed some people before but that was only because people threatened to kill you.

But what if I anger him tonight? Will he hurt me too?

With this in thought I heard the window slam shut and a dark but familiar figure stood in front of the closed curtains.

"Taehyung", he breathed and I felt my heartbeat accelerate.

"J-Jungkook", I managed the croak out. I felt as if my throat was being squeezed out of fear. Scared of the man standing in my room. Terrified of the thoughts in my head. And horrified of the feelings I still had for him after all of this.

I flicked the main lights on and quickly averted my gaze from his figure. This was not going as I had planned. I was hoping to come of as a brave person who didn't want to be messed with. But instead I sat shivering on the bed, huddled in a pink blanket while ignoring the presence with me in the room.

Jungkook took a few steps forward I realized, because suddenly the bed dipped down and I felt my body stiffen.

"Are you scared?", he asked softly, his hand hovering above my leg, almost afraid to touch me, "Of me?"

I bit my lip and nodded shortly.

"I'm sorry", he sighed, "I should've known not to come here".

This caught my attention and I glanced at him sideways. He had his face buried in his hands and his elbows were resting on his legs.

"N-No", I started, "I asked you to come here. You're not at fault".

"Why did you ask me to come? I thought you hated me", he questioned, lifting his head a little.

My teeth sank down into my bottom lip in thought, "Hate is a big word. I-I was just very confused and angry with you. I've been questioning my mental health ever since I arrived back home".

He just stared and me and my cheeks flushed red. I realized I needed to keep talking.

"My parents have been paying for sessions with a psychiatrist. They think I was brainwashed to believe you were a good person. Hoseok has been telling me I'm crazy for missing you, telling me I should get rid of the Stockholm Syndrome I have going on".

I sighed.

"Maybe I am sick", I spoke, "Sick to still be in love with you after all this time".

His breath hitched.

But I wasn't sure if it was because of my confession, or because of the loud screeching of police sirens that stopped in front of my house.

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