Chapter thirty one

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"Jungkook, please don't do this".

I ignored the soft voice of the person sitting beside me in the car and stopped the engine. We were parked a street away from the Kim's residence. A few days ago I had broken into the Christian Camp's website and downloaded all its files which contained Taehyung's name. I had found his address so I could drive us here.

I had figured it wouldn't take long before the other gangs would follow us to the apartment so I was prepared to flee. I couldn't take Taehyung with me, it was clearly too dangerous to have him close to me. This is why I was bringing him back home, a place where his parents could protect him and where the gangs wouldn't look for him. And most of all: a place where he was freed from me.

"You're free to go", I stated, startled by my own voice. It was void of any emotion and I realized I was having a hard time leaving Taehyung, just like he was having a hard time leaving me.

It was silent for a while until I heard him shuffle in his seat, "But-"

"Don't you want to see your family?", I snapped, now finally looking at him. His face was barely lit by the streetlight we were parked under and his eyes were pooled with tears.

"I do but-

"Then get out", I snapped again, "Go!"

He shook his head and jumped out of his seat, wrapping his arms around me and clinging onto me.

"I'll never see you again, will I?", he said in a small voice which I soon realized was because of the tears he was trying to hold in.

"I'm a cold blooded killer who's the leader of a ruthless gang and most of all I fucking kidnapped you and took you away from your loved ones", I said through gritted teeth, he wasn't making this easier for the both of us, "Why the fuck would you even want to see me again?"

"Because I like you", he mumbled against my jacket, "And because I'll miss you".

I sighed and realized this was only going to end up in both of us hurt so I wanted to make this easier for him.

I pushed him away from me, grabbed my gun which was hidden in my jacket and pointed it at him.

"I never liked you. The only reason why I kept you alive for so long is because your parents were paying ransom, otherwise I would have happily let those gangs kill you. Now get out of my face before I actually try to shoot you".

My voice was as cold as steel and I kept my face expressionless. It was difficult to keep in character when I saw the waterworks flowing down Taehyung's cheeks, soaking the passenger seat. He tried glaring at me but he was too hurt to show any emotion except pain.

"Y-You're a-an a-asshole", he cried before he tried getting out of the car with stumbling around to grab the handle of the car door and barging out, running off onto the street.

I sighed and dropped the gun, the weapon ending up somewhere sliding underneath the seat. "I know I am". I dropped my face in my hands and sat there for God knows how long until I felt wetness on the palm of my hands.

I was crying.

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