Chapter forty three

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Animal crossing app is lit 🐶🦊🦁🐵🐱🐻🐮🐭🐼🐷🐨🐰🐯

Whines left Taehyung's lips as he clung to Jungkook as if he was a koala. His legs were wrapped around the older's hips as he buried his face deeper into Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook had his large hands placed on Taehyung's behind to keep him steady, occasionally squeezing it lightly to catch a whimper close to his ear.

The older tried acting as if he wasn't trying to get to his room as quickly as possible with the brunette, since he didn't want the gang members to notice and gossip about them. But when Taehyung bit down on his shoulder, sucking at the spot as if his life depended on it, he didn't care the looks he got when he pushed the brunette into the elevator and pinned him to the wall.

The automatic doors closed behind him and he felt the elevator moving upwards. But his thoughts were a mess as Taehyung attached his lower half to his own and started grinding slowly. Moans spilled from the younger's lips whose eyes were half lidded. Jungkook cursed, bringing the Christian boy closer to him before bringing their mouths together into a heated kiss.

The elevator dinged and both of the males ran out. While Jungkook searched for his key and tried unlocking the door, he got a bit distracted by a needy Taehyung roaming his hands under the raven head's shirt while he kissed the back of Jungkook's neck. The older groaned in pleasure and picked up the brunette who yelped at the sudden action. He was then thrown on the bed while Jungkook locked the door again and dimmed the lights.

Taehyung squirmed around on the soft mattress while Jungkook walked to him as if he was some sort of prey.

"Kookie", Taehyung pouted, making grabby hands at the older.

Jungkook chuckled and crawled on top of the needy younger, rolling his lips to shut him finally up. Of course, shutting up meant making him stop whining, but at the same time this meant he was moaning loudly, bringing his hips up to create more friction.

"Please Kook", Taehyung whimpered as he felt the raven haired male creating a new hickey on his neck. He gasped as cold hands touched his abdomen and suddenly his shirt was thrown off him. He pouted and tugged at Jungkook's shirt who rolled his eyes, quickly getting rid of his too.

"You sure you're ready for this?", the older asked as he trailed kisses down the younger's chest.

Taehyung hummed and nodded his head against the pillow. Jungkook looked up and gave him a questioning look.

"I want to hear you say it. I won't do it without your consent babe", he spoke, stopping his trail of kisses which made the brunette whine.

"I want to do this Kook", he mumbled, feeling heat rise to his cheeks, "I'm ready for you".

"Then I will only do this on one condition", Jungkook nodded, setting himself down on the younger's hips, "Kim Taehyung".

He took a breath and showed the confused brunette a smile, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Taehyung's lips formed into a bright smile which probably hurt his face but he couldn't care at the moment.

"Yes! I thought you'd never ask".

Jungkook chuckled to this before pecking the other on the lips. He then rolled his hips and heard the other gasp before throwing him a glare.

"Way to ruin a fluffy moment", Taehyung huffed, rolling his eyes when Jungkook gave him a wide smirk.

"My heart says fluff, but this boner we're both sporting says something else", he said before starting to palm the other through his sweatpants who gave him pleasurable moans in reply.

"Go on then boyfriend" Taehyung smiled, bringing the other down into a heated kiss before detaching their lips, "Make me feel good".

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