Chapter seventeen

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I was roughly awoken by somebody banging on the door, sounding a lot like Namjoon.

"They're here!"

Those words were all it took for my head to get rid of all the tiredness and unwrap myself from the heath source I was holding. Taehyung moaned by the loss of warmth and wriggled into my spot on the bed I just left. He was half awake but wasn't aware of the danger yet. Good.

I ran over to the door while grabbing a sweatpants and stumbling into it, plus a gun and a machete from my bedside drawer. I unlocked the door, ran out and locked it again in case Taehyung decided to fully wake up. Namjoon stood on the other side, his face pale and a gun in a both of his hands. He glanced outside where a dark night sky laid.

"How did they find this place? Were we betrayed?", I asked as we ran down the stairs where we could hear a lot of commotion coming from downstairs.

"I don't know but our party was painfully interrupted when the whole Rattlesnake gang came barging in, shooting down the place", Namjoon panted when we reached the third floor, "Many members that weren't injured fled while others began shooting back. Those who fled came back with guns so we're now even with the other gang but many are wounded. I don't know what they want but if it's information about our latest deal-"

"That information is perfectly safe behind vaults. If a fight is what they want then they can get it", I growled, increasing my speed so I could help my fellow gangmembers in their fight, "We'll have to make sure they won't have the stupidity to attack us again".

Taehyung's P.O.V

I missed his warmth. I missed the strong arms around me that oddly made me feel loved. I missed my freaking kidnapper so I was currently have a crisis on how to get rid of the Stockholm syndrome that was going on.

I pushed my face into his pillow and his scent got to me. It felt too familiar which meant I had gotten used to him already. I had gotten used to Jeon Jungkook like he was supposed to be in my life.

"Stupid Jungkook with his stupid bunny smile and stupid gang that he dragged me into", I muttered to myself rolling around on the bed, kicking the blankets off me, "And now where in fluffing's name is he off to? I was having a good night sleep for once!"

I huffed and crossed my arms. The room was very dark except for the digital clock that was displayed on the night stand.

"Having trouble sleeping?", I heard someone speak up which made me shriek. I got up from the bed but felt myself getting held down immediately, a hand slowly closing around my neck. I stared up at the man looming above me, a man probably in his thirties with twinkling eyes and a mask in front of the rest of his face. I felt my breathing quicken and the fear running through my veins at the sight of the stranger.

"Wh-who are you?", I asked with a tremble in my voice. I didn't sign up for this. I didn't sign up for getting kidnapped while being kidnapped already!

"You don't need to know", he grinned and I saw the amusement in his eyes, "But for now I'll help you sleep".

And before I knew it a cloth was pushed against my nose and the world darkened until I felt into a black pit.

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