Chapter thirty five

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I realized that I never really introduced myself even though I've been on this site/app for a while. I've put the introduction about myself underneath the chapter 😊

Taehyung's P.O.V

The front door slammed shut as I stood panting in the hall, my hands resting on my knees. I had ran all the way from the park to my house until I was fully out of breath. The mood in the house seemed the have shifted. A food scent lingered in the air and I heard the sizzling sound of something being baked in the kitchen.

I still hadn't faced my parents today and I decided maybe now was a good time. They had heard me barge in anyway. I slung my coat on the rack and toed off my shoes, padding over into the kitchen. My father was wearing an apron and flipped a hamburger around, making a satisfying sizzling sound echo in the small kitchen.

"Hey dad", I said softly, standing still at the fridge and slightly leaning against it.

My dad seemed startled at my sudden voice and turned around with a bright smile on his face.

"You're finally out of your room", he sighed relieved and reached out to ruffle my hair. I smiled slightly and flattened my hair now it had been fluffied by my dad.

"Where's mom?", I asked, peeking into the living room where my sister sat, playing with her dolls.

"She got called by the bank only a few minutes ago. She left just before you came in", he told me, "Dinner's almost ready though. Should we eat already? Are you hungry?"

"Kinda", I shrugged, hearing my stomach rumble from just smelling the delicious scent that hung in the air.

We started eating shortly after, leaving a hamburger, rice and some curry on the side for mom when she would get back. My sister had a bright smile on her face now I was eating together with them again, something I had been avoiding for the past weeks.

After I finished placing all the dishes in the sink while my dad filled it with water and soap, we heard the door slam shut. My sister jumped off the couch and ran to the front door, greeting my mom.

When she walked in my dad and I turned around. Me, with a towel and a plate in hand while he was washing a glass with a sponge. Her face stood surprised, maybe because she was shocked to see me downstairs for once.

But her expression soon morphed into bewilderment when she threw her credit card on the table.

"What's wrong dear? What took you so long?", dad asked her, setting down the glass and drying his hands with the towel I was holding.

"My credit card was apparently stolen", she began.

"And you hadn't noticed that?", my dad asked surprised.

"No. I haven't been using it in a while. We were low on money remember?", she shook her head and took a seat on one of the chairs where her plate with food was still standing, probably gone cold, "The bank called me to inform that someone had brought the credit card back and guess what".

"What?", we both said in unison while my sister tried crawling on my mom's lap.

"They also informed me that instead of 100 euros, there's now 80 000 euros on it".

I almost dropped the plate I had in my hand and heard my dad catching his breath at the information.

"How?", he asked, glancing nervously at the credit card lying on the table.

"They have no idea. I can keep the money since it seems to be transferred willingly. I just don't understand why someone would do such a thing?"

I swallowed with great difficulty and glanced at the credit card.

"And I want my baby sister to be alive! But now her treatment got canceled because my parents were busy paying your rich and powerful gang money to keep me alive! You made them fucking choose between their children!"

He paid them back. He gave my sister a chance again.

I felt my eyes water and quickly wiped them, hoping no one had noticed.

"I-I'm going upstairs", I stammered, placing the towel and plate on the table before scurrying away.

My mom could've lost her credit card for a while now since she hasn't been using it. Does that mean Jungkook was already planning on paying my parents back for the money they gave to keep me safe?

Why is he being so considerate after breaking me down that night? Why is he still interfering in my life after letting me go? And why did he say I was still in danger? I'm with my family now. Nothing can go wrong in a small town like this. I'm safe here.

I froze when a soft knock on the window resonated through the room.


Answers to  two of the most FAQ:

No, I'm not Indian. I have no idea why my parents gave me an Indian name but it is what it is.

I came up with this username like two years ago. I was obsessed with Danisnotonfire, Amazingphil, KickThePj and Crabstickz. They formed the Fantastic Foursome. This became my username, but because TheFantasticFoursome was already taken, I had to go for ThaFantasticFoursome which is only 1 letter difference but please don't make the mistake. The other account once was nominated with my books because of the spelling mistake so suddenly I wasn't nominated for my hard work but that other account was.

I've been obsessed with Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance, hence the emo fanfictions I have.

I grew out of the Frerard phase and discovered BTS in February this year. I've been writing fanfictions about vkook since March and have written 19 fanfictions about them in that period of time (of which 10 of them are finished).

My account has grown from 100 followers (which I had gained from the frerard fics) to 2.6K which is unbelievable like holy hell woah. Wattpad is the thing I'm the proudest of and if I didn't have this site I would probably think of myself as a waste of space or sth.

I'm so grateful for all the messages I get on my profile, in DMs or just reading the comments every day. I treasure all the nice comments, the death threats, the people wanting to shove things up my ass for writing angst, or just the normal troll comments of people who don't have anything to say but want to comment anyway.

I love you all and I hope I can continue to write stories to entertain you all & to keep being an inspiration to people who want to write stories as well.

Softieparadise was my biggest inspiration to write werewolves fanfictions and when I last checked her profile I realized I surpassed her in followers which is unrealistic in my eyes since she was the person I looked up to.

So to all the people who told me I'm the author they look up to: You're going to surpass me one day and I'm going to be proud of you 😊

See ya in the next chapter xx

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