Chapter twenty

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I don't know how long I've been here. There aren't any windows in this god forsaken room and the man never wants to tell me what day it is. I think he wants me to be disconnected from the world. An hour in this dark room can seem like days passing by. And that freaks me out a lot. Panic is always in my system. It's slowly driving me insane. I'm scared to lose myself. I don't want to beg for my life to this hellish man but at the same time I want out of this room, doesn't matter what it takes.

The man comes back in 1 hour and 45 minutes after visiting me last time. I've been counting the time in-between visits but it's never consistent. It's not giving me any hints on if it's night or day this way. I barely get food, but when I do get some it's never on the same hour I think. Argh, I just want to see the sun again and be free.

"Hi there again Taehyung", I hear the man chuckle, "Getting tired of the situation?"

The fatigue must have been visible on my face and I nodded with great difficulty. I could barely feel my arms since they've been chained behind my back for all this time.

"It seems your loverboy doesn't really care about your wellbeing. Was it a mistake to keep you alive if he doesn't care about you?"

I bit down on my bottom lip, feeling tears well up by his words. Jungkook. Why did I even hope for him to come? Of course he didn't care about me. He was a ruthless gang leader for god's sake.

I was cursing with God's name and I didn't even care about it. Where was God now? Not in this place that's for sure.

"I'm slowly losing my patience boy", the man sighed, "If he's not coming for you than I can at least have my fun with you, can't I?"

I was frozen in place and held my eyelids tight shut, even when he removed the blind fold. I didn't know what to think. I didn't want to know what he was going to do.

"Awe come on, open those eyes pretty boy", he tutted, "Or I'll open them for you".

My eyes sprung open and I scarily looked at the man in front of me, holding a small knife.

"Would you rather lose a finger or a toe first?", he asked, glancing from my hand to my feet, seemingly lost in thought. I gulped with great difficulty, feeling my end near with every passing second. Was this guy serious? He was going to cut me up just like that!?

"Jungkook", I mumbled in fear to myself, shutting my eyes once again when I felt tears leaking out.

"Awe are you calling out to him? He doesn't care and even if he did, he can get your remains. Maybe he'll puzzle you back together", the man grinned sweetly and I felt sick in the pit of my stomach.

"You know what? You have ten of each anyway so does it really matter with what I start?", he shrugged, smiling to himself, "I'll start with that pinkie over there".

I shook my head and tried moving the chair to get away from him but he grabbed me by the throat, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Stay here or I'll start with your organs first", he smiled wickedly.

I wanted to scream at him, tell him to stop. But my body was cowering in fear and frozen in shock as I saw the knife nearing my skin. The guy licked his lips as soon as the blade hit my finger, tracing a thin line so blood trickled out of it slowly.

Suddenly the door was swung open and a dark figure stood in the doorway, holding a gun. The person didn't say anything and raised a gun, pointing it at the man in front of me and fired. I got startled as the bullet hit the man in the head, the knife falling out of his hand and his body slumping onto me. I started screaming when the now dead man fell on me, his brains blown out and laying on the floor next to me.

The person in the doorway ran over to me and threw the guy off me and on the floor. I finally recognized the black hair, dark brown eyes and handsome features. He shortly smiled at me when he was busy untying me from the chair, sometimes glancing at the door in case of intruders.

"J-Jung-kook?", I was able to whisper out, feeling dizzy in the head from all the emotions flooding through me. Fresh tears started leaking out of my eyes and before I knew it he had untied me and was carrying me as I cried. I didn't know how he got here or how we left unseen but I didn't care. He came for me. He saved me from the evil man.

"Thank you Jungkook".

And I don't know why I thanked him since he was the one who kidnapped me in the first place. Did I have a Stockholm syndrome? I didn't quite care because all I could think about was how I loved being in his arms, feeling protected by a handsome man who saved me from that horrible place. I really liked him.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Taehyung fell asleep as soon as I laid him in the backseat of the car. I had brought a blanket just in case and draped it over his sleeping figure, smiling at the cuteness he was emitting. I quickly got in the car and drove off, glancing in the mirror to see people running out of the building, fire licking at the insides of the hideout.

"That'll teach them", I smirked to myself, taking a left turn and driving back to the gang. I wondered whether my father and Namjoon would be mad at me for the risky plan I went with. But then I decided I didn't care because I had Taehyung back & got my revenge on the Rattlesnakes.

I parked my car behind the old factory and went inside, only to be greeted by members pouncing on me, asking me where I went and telling me everyone had been looking for me. But their questions were quickly answered once they spared a glance at the sleeping boy in my arms. Namjoon and Yoongi pushed their way through the crowd that had assembled in front me.

"Jungkook!", Namjoon yelled, a discontent expression on his face.

"Hey hyung", I grinned satisfied, "I got Taehyung back".

He looked at the brunette in my arms and motioned for a member to take him out of my arms. I let go of him with great difficulty though I knew Baekhyun wouldn't hurt Taehyung. Baekhyun carried him upstairs, probably to his room, and Jin followed with a first aid kit and some food.

"You idiot", Namjoon hit the back of my head and I glared at him, "Your father wants to see you".

My eyes widened, "Is he here?"

He nodded.

Fuck. This can't be good.

"He's in your room. He's been waiting all day for your return".

"I haven't been away that long".

"You disappeared around 8 pm yesterday. It's 4 in the afternoon right now", he stated a matter of factly.

"You knew where I was, didn't you? You should have known I would do the mission on my own", I retorted.

He crossed his arms, "I had hoped you weren't so stupidly smitten for Taehyung to do such a dumb thing on your own".

"Well you hoped wrong".

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