Chapter seven

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how old are you?

We splash water at each other for some time, occasionally hiding whenever a person would walk past. I decided to dive underwater and opened my eyes, searching for Taehyung's legs underneath the lake. I smirked when I saw him standing not so far from me. He splashed his hands into the water, probably wondering where the hell I was. I swam over to him and closed my arms around his legs, bringing him down. I heard him yelp and a loud splash rippled through the usual calm lake. I swam back to the surface and heard him splutter out water while wiping his fringe out of the way. I admired his now dark and wet hair and how it fitted his tan skin.

He glared sternly at me. I held up my hands though a smirk was playing on my lips.


"You're going to pay for this!", he pointed at me but it didn't sound very threatening. I don't think Taehyung could ever look threatening to anyone. I, on the other hand, could make anyone submit just by a fierce look.

"Sure", I smiled, splashing some water at him again, "Maybe we should go back before we're found out. I think they're almost done sailing".

Taehyung was still frowning but nodded anyway, following me out of the water.

"I see some boys already sitting in the bus. Let's hurry!", Taehyung intertwined our hands and pulled me towards the shore, throwing my bag at me and taking his own bag. We dried ourselves as quick as possible and wore our clothes. We were right on time, luckily, and stepped inside the bus before the nuns could see us through.

We found a place at the back of the bus and we were able to sit next to each other. Taehyung sat by the window, leaning his head against it, his warm breath fogging up the once clear glass and he drew a smiley face in it. The bus ride was quieter than before. Taehyung quickly fell asleep against the window and I noticed most boys in the bus were too exhausted to act noisy this time. I stared out the window, noticing Taehyung's head sliding off it. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and made his head lean on my shoulder which was probably much more comfortable than the cold glass. The ride back to the camp was fairly nice though the many bumps in the road occasionally stirred Taehyung in his sleep. It was like the driver was purposely not avoiding the bumps in the road just to annoy everyone trying to sleep.

The bus suddenly came to a halt which was strange since I saw no light or traffic in front of us. I peeked above the seat in front of me and quickly lowered my head again. Shit! The cops stopped us. I pulled my hood on and laid my head against Taehyung as if sleeping so the cops wouldn't be able to see my face. Most of the bus was sleeping so there was no way they would check me specifically. I heard some chatter in front of the bus and recognized the voice of the woman that had almost caught us in the forest before. They are really patrolling around camp. Maybe I should get out of there and make my way back to the gang. It won't be long until I'm found out by someone. Fuck, the cops are coming in now.

I heard steps coming closer from the aisle and bundled Taehyung's sweater into my hand. It's not that I'm anxious, it's far from that. If I'm found out I just need to have a hostage and disappear through the emergency exit. Taehyung is perfect as hostage, he's the closest around me.

The footsteps eventually faded away and the police car drove off. I was able to open my eyes again as soon as the bus started to move again. I gently shook Taehyung awake when we arrived back at camp. He whined and buried his face further into the crook of my neck.

"Cute", I chuckled, sliding his head off my shoulder and I heard him yelp, "It's not that I wouldn't like staying with you like this all day but my shoulder started hurting from the weight it had to carry. Sorry".

I got up from my seat and saw Taehyung stopping mid-yawn as he heard my statement. His cheeks soon blushed a bright red and he pushed past me to hurry out of the bus. I laughed and followed him, not missing my chance on seeing him like this.

"Awe are you embarrassed?", I asked, coming to a halt next to him. Taehyung puffed his cheeks out and crossed his arms.

"Stop saying things like that", he told me, glaring at the ground.

Aaaand he went back to glaring at the ground.

Before I could reply the nuns announced we had free time until dinner. Taehyung's face immediately lit up and he skipped towards his room, intending to do whatever he was planning on doing. I eventually made my way back to the room I shared with Lukas.

"Hey Whitechapel, did you get my note-oh", I stopped in the doorway, gaze falling on the two frozen boys on Lukas' bed who seemed to have been in the middle of a make out.

I crossed my arms and tilted my head to one side with a bored look on my face, "Seriously Lukas? Your parents sent you here to clear you from gayness and here you are, sucking some guy's face off. Unbelievable".

"You're gay yourself", Lukas snapped, wrapping his arms even tighter around the smaller boy's waist, "And this isn't just some boy. This is my boyfriend".

"And ex", the boy spoke up, smiling afterwards, "Hi, I'm Jimin".

"Hey", I said warily, "Ex you say?"

Jimin wriggled himself out of Lukas' lap and stood up to face me.

"Yeah we break up every time camp end and get back together when we're back here. I don't really fancy having a long distance relationship", he explained, shrugging, "Anyway, I trust you don't tell the nuns about this since you're gay yourself. See ya Lukas and unknown dude".

He walked out of the door just like that and slammed it shut.

"So...", I arched an eyebrow at the flustered looking Lukas on the bed.


"Interesting guy".

Lukas shrugged, "I guess... He's the one who always wants to break up every year".

"That sucks", I set myself down on my own bed.

He hums.

"It was never proven that I'm gay", I decided to say to which Lukas scoffed.

"Oh my lord you're so whipped for that Kim Taehyung kid. Don't even try to deny it", he replied, throwing a pillow my way. I, of course caught it since I'm trained to see such things coming, and threw it back.

"I'm bi you prick. It's the B in LBGT+. I don't know if you're familiar with it".

He scowled, "Of course I am. But I fancy the G more".

I laid down on my side, my back to Lukas, and pulled the covers over my body, "Oh, and if you dare to tell Taehyung I'll make sure you are the B".


"Beaten up".

"Haha very funny Jeon", he laughed, "But I won't. You have enough muscles to make me feel threatened by that lame joke".

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