Chapter thirty eight

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Double updateeeee~
Jungkook's P.O.V

"Hoseok", I heard Taehyung mutter underneath his breath before standing up and taking my arm to pull me with him. He dragged me over to his closet and pushed me inside, telling me to keep quiet. The closet door was slammed shut and I was drowned into darkness, feeling my heart beat pick up. I heard Taehyung open the window and then something falling, probably meaning he pushed over the ladder so the police wouldn't suspect anything.

After some rustling which sounded like bed covers and then the lights flicking off, the room was silent. The doorbell rang once, twice and then the door was kicked open. Multiple footsteps sounded on the staircase and I could hear Taehyung's mom and dad yelling at the police.

Taehyung's door was soon opened and the lights flicked back on.

"Kim Taehyung?", a rough voice asked and I could imagine Taehyung being terrified but trying to hide it.

He stifled a yawn and then said, "Yes mister? Is there something wrong".

I almost snickered at his acting. It was very good and I almost believed he had been truly sleeping before the police had barged inside.

"We got a message from Jung Hoseok, who identifies himself as your friend, that Jeon Jungkook was meant to visit you tonight", the officer stated.

"Jeon Jungkook?", Taehyung spoke in a scared voice, "I- I-"

I heard sobs resonating through the room and my smile fell from my lips at the sound. I heard footsteps walking to the bed.

"What's wrong kid?", the officer asked with a friendly voice now.

"I-I'm s-scared O-Officer", Taehyung hiccupped through his sobs, "H-He's a m-monster. I-I don't w-want to s-ee h-him. I-I escaped b-barely".

"Your friend told us you wanted Jungkook to meet up with you", the officer said, "Why would he say that?"

Taehyung gasped for air through his tears and let out a strangled cry, "Wh-Why would I w-want to see th-that monster!"

His words slashed through my heart and I sneered at the pain it brought down upon him. Was this an act? Or was he actually spilling the truth while being emotional?

I found a crack in the closet which I could peek through and saw the officer kneeling on the ground in front of Taehyung, almost as if he was trying to comfort the other. But his relaxed expression soon hardened as he glanced at the other police men standing in the room and gave them a sway of his hand. They nodded and immediately started searching the room. Taehyung first didn't notice but when he did, he stopped his crying act and shot up from his place on the bed.

"What are you doing?", he asked, a bit panicky. The officer caught on and smirked, standing up too while wrapping a hand around Taehyung's arm.

I backed away and tried to camouflage myself more into the clothes hanging in the closet. I knew they were going to open the door in a few seconds. The closet looked big enough to hide a person in so they would search it immediately. I slipped the gun that was residing into my jacket and pulled the trigger. I would have to fight to get out and it would surely get messy.

The closet door opened and as soon as the person's body came in sight, I jumped out, kicking the person in the ribs and making him double over. I then elbowed the oncoming police woman's face, breaking her nose & teeth and then kicking her away. I held the gun in front of me, ready to shoot anyone who would dare to come at me but soon dropped my stance, realizing in what for a hopeless situation I was in.

The police officer had his arm around Taehyung's neck, holding the brunette's back against his front and holding the gun pointed to his head.

"You can't shoot an innocent boy!", I yelled out.

"He tried hiding a searched murderer and leader of a worldwide gang. He could end up in prison in a flash", the officer spoke menacingly, his ice blue eyes narrowing, "Drop the gun and I'll let the boy go".

I saw the other officers' guns also pointing at me and the fallen officers I had hit got back up.

The gun slipped out of my hands and I dropped down on my knees, feeling the coldness of handcuffs locking around my wrists.

"Jeon Jungkook. You are arrested for God knows how many murders, drug dealing and fraud. You will be sentenced in court. Everything you say can and will be held against you so you ought to shut up".

I grunted as my hair got pulled upwards, making me face the officer who had pushed Taehyung to another man.

"Have fun being in prison for the rest of your life".

He then turned to Taehyung who's eyes were pooling with tears as he stared at me. He was biting down onto his bottom lip to keep himself from crying.

"And you Kim Taehyung", the officer spoke, "The mental institute in Seoul already has a place for you".

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