Chapter four

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I fucking hate camp. Who the fuck wants to get up at 7 am and is happy about it? Nuns, I tell you, are happy about it. A knock on the door awakens uS and then yells that breakfast is served in half an hour. I stretch my limbs, hearing the joints pop and look to the right.

"Lukas, wake the fuck up before I throw my pillow your way", I threaten but he waves me off, crawling further underneath the covers.

"Are you really going to force me to sit with strangers at breakfast and socialize?", I throw on a black shirt and some ripped blue jeans.

"Smuggle me some breakfast", he sleepily mumbled and fell back asleep.

"This dude is even lazier that Yoongi hyung", I muttered and stepped outside, not bothering to do something about my hair. It's mostly flat anyway and it's not like I need to impress someone. I easily find my way to the breakfast pavilion and see boys of all ages walk inside. I don't actually know anyone except Lukas so I'm left standing at the door, gazing around the room until my gaze lands on a certain brunette.

"Hey Taehyung", I plop myself down next to him which seems to startle him, "Did I just scare you? The boy who sits alone at lakes at night and knows when he's followed?"

"Shush!", a hand was suddenly clamped over my mouth, "If the nuns hear about that we'll be punished".

I scrunched my nose, "I'm thinking about a whole other kind of punishment and ew not with wrinkly old Susan".

My voice came out a bit muffled and he released my mouth. He threw me a confused look and I immediately got the hint that he was way too innocent to get the joke. Lukas would have understood me.

"Nevermind", I waved it away, looking around the room bored.

"Where's Whitechapel?", he asked, scraping his knife against the wooden table.

"Sleeping", I shrugged, "Told me to smuggle food back to the room but he better forgets about that. I'm not his servant".

"No but who are you exactly?", he asked, leaning his chin on his hand.

"What?", I furrowed my eyebrows, "Is that some kind of deep question meaning I need to find out who I am and this by surrendering to my religion?"

"What?", he repeated my question, "No- you just never told me your name. I can't keep calling you 'weird stranger' in my head".

I mentally hit myself, "Oh... Wait- you call me 'weird stranger'? Is that because I folded paper boats with you?"

"Yes", he giggled, "And called his ship Sope. You're weird".

"No I'm Jungkook so you can drop the weird now", I smiled back.

"Okay, Jungkook it is", he nodded, "Nice to meet you Jungkook!"


"So you became friends with him huh?", Lukas asked, nibbling on the piece of toast I got him, "I'm shocked".

"Why?", I arched an eyebrow, "Do you think I'm not capable of making friends?"

"No, but he doesn't normally make friends", he shrugged, "Good for you I guess".

I gazed out of the window, seeing some boys playing football and one guy tumbling to the ground. I'm really craving a smoke right now but everyone's outside and I can't smoke inside because the smell will linger. I unconsciously tap my fingers against the cigarette box in my pocket.

"I'm going outside", I stated, getting up and making my way to the door.

"Have fun!", he yelled back with a mouth full.

I sauntered across the camp ground and found a nice quiet spot behind the breakfast pavilion. Leaning against the wall I took out my lighter, placing a cigarette between my lips. I sighed once I inhaled the poisonous smoke, burning my mouth and lungs.

"Smoking is very bad for you".

I turned to the voice to find Taehyung sitting on the ground, staring at some pictures he had laid on the ground.

"And being weird too but what will we do about it?", I shrugged, blowing out the grey smoke until it disappeared into the air. "What are you doing?"

He glanced back at the photos and fumbled with the strap of the camera around his neck, "My sister likes my photography so I'm trying to take some aesthetic ones for her".

"That's... sweet", I tilted my head to the side, "You're not so fond of joining the camp activities either then".

He shrugged, "Sometimes, but this camp is mainly for me. It's a place where I can find peace for once".

That's deep...

"Why did you come here?", he asked, actual curiosity in his voice.

I came here because a bunch of cops chased me. I'm a well known gangster. Oh- you didn't know? Jeon Jungkook, head of Korean gang, nice to meet you. The Korean gang? That gang that's famous for murdering people and selling drugs worldwide. Yep, that's my gang. I'm pretty proud of it.

Of course I can't say all that to him. He'd be scared out of his mind or thinking I'm an absolute weirdo. He probably thinks that already.

"My parents forced me", I shrugged, "Maybe you could already tell".

"Sort of", he gave me small smile, "But they might have had a good reason for it".

"Yeah maybe...", I frowned, pushing the thoughts about my parents away, "So are you still up for a paper airplane race tonight?"

He grinned, showing all his teeth, "You bet".

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