Chapter forty four

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Smut written by TaehyungSeonbae

Jungkook simply smirked. It somehow brought him the greatest of pleasures watching Taehyung practically begging for him.

To his demand, Jungkook rolled his hips once more and pressed his lips to the olders in a heated kiss. Theirs tongues fought for dominance, which of course stubborn Taehyung put up a good fight, but Jungkook easily won, slipping his tongue into his boyfriends mouth.

There were no more words. Only bodys pressed against eachother, the air filled with their moans and pants as Jungkook rutted his crotch against Taehyungs.

Soon enough Taehyungs impatient fingers were fumbling with the button on Jungkook's pants and after a few seconds he let out a frustrated whine, making Jungkook chuckle softly. He sat up, undoing his pants before leaning back over Taehyung so slide them off, leaving the bigger male in his tight, white boxer briefs.

Taehyung took a glance down and another whine left his lips. This one not being a whine of frustration, but one of sudden nervousness. "Y-You won't fit--" Taehyung suddenly blurted out, lips trembling.

Jungkook cooed the younger, cupping his face in one hand whilst the other kept his steady. "I will" Jungkook argued in a soft voice. His hand then slipped down to rid Taehyung of his pants, but his boxers slipped off so easily aswell, a blush forming on the olders already flustered face. He reached down, catching his lips in another kiss, teeth biting and nibbling on Taehyungs bottom lip as his hand wrapped around his length. Taehyung let out a louder moan at this, eyes fluttering as Jungkook's hand stroked his hardened member.

His legs were already shaking after a few movements, but Jungkook wasn't bothered. He slid his hand from his length to his hole, letting Taehyung wrap his legs around his waist. "Kitten-- I don't have lube, this might hurt" Jungkook told the other in a quiet voice.

Taehyung opened his mouth to reply, but Jungkook was already slipping a finger into him, causing a groan to slip out.

He leant his head back against the pillow, pressing his hips down against the bed in an attempt to pull away from his lovers hand, but Jungkook had taken a hold of his waist and was holding him so that he could add a second finger without Taehyung struggling.

"It hurts--" Taehyung babbled, breathing picking up as Jungkook slipped his fingers in and out, scissoring them to stretch him out. Though the younger slowed down at his words, eyes showing concern.

"It does? Do you want me to--"

"Don't stop" Taehyung tightened his legs around Jungkook and pulled his face down to press a kiss to his lips. At that, Jungkook continued, adding a third and final finger which Taehyung reacted positively to, back arching off the bed slightly with Jungkook's name slipping from his parted lips.

Jungkook had soon discarded of his own underwear, positioning himself at Taehyungs puckered entrance. He dipped his head down, pressing a series of kisses along his cheek to his lips. "Baby don't worry, it'll hurt but the pain will go I promise" With that, Jungkook was slipping inside Taehyung, stopping to make sure Taehyung was okay before forcing the last of his length in.

Taehyungs eyes had filled with tears, one even dropping down onto the pillow. As Jungkook was about to open his mouth to ask if he should stop, Taehyung was already shaking his head. "I want you. Please... move" he mumbled, chewing on the inside of his cheek as Jungkook stared at him with the most loving eyes.

He started at a slow pace, pulling just a little away before slipping back in. A speed that simply tortured Taehyung, quickly leaving him a whimpering mess. The olders hands slipped to Jungkook's back. "H-Harder -- Kookie, please"

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