Chapter twenty one

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Jin's P.O.V

After Baekhyun had placed Taehyung on the bed inside of his room I started nursing his wounds. I first disinfected the wounds on his wrists from being tied together harshly and then bandaged them. The small wound on his finger that seemed to be caused by a knife was easily disinfected too and I placed a bandage with little cows on the cut. Taehyung didn't wake up from all of this which worried me since the wounds must have stung. All he did was flinch a bit in his sleep and murmur incoherent things.

When I was done and had packed the first aid kit again he suddenly began sweating a lot. Baekhyun and I stood at the bed worriedly, seeing his hair go damp and his cheeks run red. The mumbling got louder until he eventually let out a scream which startled the both of us. I dropped the first aid kit on the ground and saw how his eyes went wide. His body was trembling and twitching and he fought against the blankets. Baekyun tried calming him down but was pushed away quickly.

Taehyung started sobbing and yelling out things. The only word I could distinguish was the name 'Jungkook' which made me dash out of the room, knowing I should get our leader before Taehyung would do something stupid. Was he having a panic attack of some sorts? Maybe he was still in a nightmare? I didn't know but what I did know was that he would definitely calm down once he saw Jungkook.

I ran to the conference room where our leader spends his time most days. I didn't even knock and just went inside, freezing once I recognized the man standing next to Jungkook. I had forgotten Mr. Jeon was here to talk to our leader.

The men who were both in a heated discussion suddenly turned to me when they heard the door slam against the wall behind it.

"Jin hyung?", Jungkook asked confused, seemingly relieved I was here to interfere with their discussion.

I was panting from the run down the stairs and held my sides, "I-It's T-Taehyung. H-He's having a p-panic attack".

Like I had expected Jungkook's expression immediately changed into a worried one. He glanced at his father who was glaring at me.

"He's calling for you", I explained more, "He needs you".

This seemed to surprise our leader but I did see the small smile playing on his lips, like he was happy Taehyung needed him.

"It seems I'm needed somewhere else", Jungkook said, turning to face his father, "You can leave now father. I have everything in control".

Mr. Jeon scoffed, "What's so special about that boy anyway? You even choose him over your own father".

"I don't think you could understand", Jungkook mumbled, "I'll be going to Taehyung now. Thank you for coming to get me Jin".

I nodded at him and saw his run out, a determined glint in his eyes.

Mr. Jeon sighed deeply and sat down on one of the chairs.

"I really don't understand", he spoke up, "He even infiltrated the Rattlesnakes gang on his own for that boy.

"Are you angry because he blew up their base?", I asked, seeing the older man shake his head.

"He did a good job, yes, and I'm proud of my son. But just the fact he did all of that because of that Taehyung kid... It's worrying".

He looked up at me.

"Jungkook has a weak spot now and it will make his life in this gang a lot harder. If the others come to know of the boy, everyone will be fixated on taking him away. The rattlesnakes won't be the last ones trying to kidnap Taehyung. I'm not sure if my son and that boy will be ready for the struggles they'll have to face".

Jungkook's P.O.V

I barged inside of the room, seeing Baekhyun try to comfort Taehyung but it having no avail. As soon as Baekyun noticed my presence he sighed relieved and left the room, giving me a pat on the shoulder as support. I stared at the trembling boy who was bawling his eyes out on the bed. His chest heaved while ragged breathing left his lips and I got scared he would pass out any second.

"Taehyung?", I called out to the panicking boy.

The said boy's head snapped up at me and through blurry eyes he stared at me. His mouth contorted into something that looked like a relieved smile.

"K-Kook-ie", he panted, making grabby hands for me and I quickly ran over to the bed when he tried stepped out. His knees buckled and I could barely grab him by the waist to haul him up. I sat down on the bed with him on my lap and he buried his face in my chest, tears still leaking out of his eyes. His fragile body was trembling in my hold and I tried rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"Shhh it'll be alright", I whispered in his ear, kissing the shell and going over to his earlobe to slowly nibble on it. This made his breath hitch and his body tense before he let out a soft moan.

"What happened baby?", I asked, feeling his body relax the slightest.

"I-I had a b-bad d-dream", he said with a stutter, his breathing still not very even, "Th-The evil m-man ch-chopped me u-up". He shut his eyes at his own words and shuddered.

I ran a hand through his soft brown locks and pressed a gentle kiss to his jawline, feeling him melt in my arms.

"I'd never let that happen", I told him with a soft voice, "You know that right?"

He nodded his head shyly, his body now becoming finally fully relaxed inside my arms. His face flushed red and he became flustered when I pressed another kiss on his cheek. He whined cutely when I ghosted my lips over his own.

"What is it kitten?"

He pouted and whined again, knowing fully well I knew what he was implying.

"You'll have to use your words baby", I smiled, seeing his cheeks flush even redder.

"P-please kiss me".


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