Chapter five

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It was evening and Lukas was already drop dead sleeping. I chuckled as I remembered he was supposedly going to join me on my 'smoke break' but now I didn't even need to come up with an excuse to why he couldn't join me. I did light up a cigarette as soon as I had climbed through the window and searched for any sight of the brunette.

"Sending smoke signals can get us caught you know".

I was luckily used to being sneaked up on so I had already heard the older nearing me. I turned around with an arched eyebrow and an amused smirk on my face.

"And if I hadn't seen you nearing I would have screamed my lungs out which would have also got us caught", I said, blowing smoke into his face.

He spluttered and waved the smoke away, sending me a pointed look, before turning around and marching away. I followed him and caught the papers he threw at me.

"I hope you know how to fold paper airplanes", he singsonged, dodging some trees.

I smirked, "Of course I know how to".

Okay so I may have googled some videos on how to fold paper airplanes since I knew that's what we were going to do today. He sat down somewhere next to the lake again, patting the spot next to him. I placed the papers in front of us and we both took a sheet.

"So what's the plan?", I asked, trying to fold the paper into an epic airplane.

He giggled as he saw my tongue poking out due concentration and I bumped his shoulder. If he only knew he was laughing at the leader of a world known gang... I chuckled to myself and placed my airplane on the ground.

"We throw the airplanes over the lake and the one which doesn't crash into the water wins", he smiled, seemingly proud of his race plan.

"Alright, but don't think you can win against this super cool airplane", I grinned, standing back up, ready to throw it into the air.

"Doesn't it have a name this time?", he asked amused, getting up himself.

"Nah, figured giving it names only gives bad luck", I shrugged, "Are you ready?"

He nodded,"Three".

"Two", I said with a grin.


The paper airplanes zoomed through the air, mine winning speed immediately with its aerodynamic built.

Taehyung's airplane spiraled downwards in the middle making him let out a surprised gasp.

"No!", he yelled, "Don't give up on me yet!"

"I win!", I throw my hands in the air, dancing around a bit, "I win I win I win".

"You're such an idiot", Taehyung laughed, letting his pout disappear.

"An idiot who won the race", I smirked, very satisfied with myself.

Taehyung's eyes suddenly widened. Before I could ask him what was wrong he had snatched the sheets of paper from the ground. I could only watch him grab my hand in his and tugging me behind some trees, pushing me against one while he hid behind a nearby one. He looked at me while putting his finger against his lips to signalize me I had to keep silent.

Police men stepped into the clearing, stopping at the lake. My heartbeat seemed to still for a moment, feeling immensely grateful that Taehyung had noticed them. If it wasn't for him I would have been arrested by now.

"I wasn't paying attention", I thought to myself, "I was too busy being a goddamn idiot to notice people nearing us! This usually never happens to me".

The police men were looking at Taehyung's paper airplane that was soaked by the water. Mine had landed somewhere next to the lake and one of the men picked it up. They were with three and I heard some discussion going on between them.

"I think they were just some kids fooling around at this hour", an older guy said.

"There's a camp nearby so it wouldn't surprise me it were just some sneaky teenagers wanting to be cool and ignore bed time", another guy said.

"Let's go. I think we scared them off", a woman said and the three walked off again.

It took some time before me and Taehyung dared to step from behind the trees again.

"Phew, lucky for us they didn't search the area", Taehyung sighed, wiping the imaginary sweat off his forehead.

"If it weren't for you we would have been caught", I turned to him, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him around.

He giggled and swatted my hands away, "I've been sneaking around at night every camp. I've been used to paying attention to people nearing me".

But I'm normally good at that too...

"Let's go. I don't trust the woods anymore after this. Our night was cut short sadly", he frowned, pulling me along.

"Can we meet up again?", I asked, even though I had no idea why I got so needy to see him again. I could see him all day but it was just not the same. Taehyung seemed to be more reserved at daytime than he was at night.

"Sure", he smiled, "But not tomorrow. Sneaking out too much raises suspicion... what about in three days?"

"Alright", I nodded, "I'll be waiting outside my window again".

"Sounds like you're Juliet", he joked, "I'll come and get you Juliet".

"I'll look forward to it Romeo", I bowed, hearing him giggle before I climbed back through the window.

"You're smitten for him aren't you?"

I got startled by his voice as soon as I had climbed through the window.

"Lukas I swear to god shut your mouth or I'll sew it shut", I grumbled, clutching my heart from the surprise.

"Grumpy", he chuckled, "You're probably sleep deprived from spending nights with him".

I grunted, "I'm going to get my sewing kit".


I wanted to make you guys aware there's this book that interviews popular authors and I tagged Kimnamsoon in it because she's my favorite author ❤️ if u guys like them too you can read their interview in this

I wanted to make you guys aware there's this book that interviews popular authors and I tagged Kimnamsoon in it because she's my favorite author ❤️ if u guys like them too you can read their interview in this

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