Chapter twenty three

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Wooooh another chapter (I'm procrastinating studying hehe)

The meeting had ended and no one had dared to utter a word about the sudden interruption. I found it a bit funny how surprised people looked as they walked out, some whispering to each other while glancing at the glazed treats. I carried the plate of cookies to my room and changed my suit into more comfortable clothes. After changing into a dark green shirt, ripped black jeans and timberlands I trudged downstairs where lunch was being served.

I found Taehyung sitting at a table, already munching on some noodles with curry and chicken. I walked over to Jin to grab a plate of noodles too.

"Did you like the cookies?", Jin asked with wiggling eyebrows, "Taehyung was very adamant on baking you something".

"They were okay", I replied, grabbing a drink to go with my food.

He rolled his eyes but had a knowing smirk on his face.

"Go to your lover boy. He seems quite lonely", he told me and now it was my time to roll my eyes. I made my way over to the table and pulled back a chair which seemed to surprise him.

"Oh", Taehyung mumbled with a mouth full of food, "Hi Kookie".

"Enjoying to food you made?", I chuckled seeing him lick his lips to get rid of all the curry. My focus may have been a bit too long on his lips because he suddenly became flustered.

"S-Sorry for interrupting your meeting", he apologized again, "I made it very awkward didn't I?"

"Not at all", I told him, chewing on a piece of chicken, "You actually made it more interesting".

This seemed to confuse him since he tilted his head to the side.

"Never mind", I chuckled, waving it off, "By the way I forgot to tell you that I'm going on a mission tonight".

This made his mood drop a bit and he stopped chewing.

"Do you need to go?", he asked in a small voice.

"I'm the leader of the mission so yeah".

He frowned, "Just make sure you come back safely, okay?"

"Of course princess"

His shyly smiled and munched on some chicken, "Good".

Taehyung's P.O.V

I was sitting in my room since Yoongi brought me here and locked the door, rather than letting me stay in Jungkook's room. I knew they didn't trust me. When Jungkook wasn't around I noticed people were still keeping an eye on me in case I'd make a run for it.

I still missed my family of course. I missed my friends, even though there were only two of them. I missed my fluffy white kitten Picatso who always scratched the couch to sharpen his nails. I missed my home town and the freedom I had.

Even though I missed all these things, I was very confused why I hadn't tried escaping. There had been chances I could have jumped through windows or sneaked out when Jungkook was sleeping. But if there had been chances, why hadn't I taken them?

Was it because of the whole Stockholm syndrome I had going on? I mean- when I had first met Jungkook at camp I had found him immensely attractive. But that was back when I didn't know he was the leader of Korea's biggest gang. Now he had brought me here against my will and let me get kidnapped by this other gang who almost tortured me.

What was I still doing here?

Why was I still here?


That's why I was still here.

But that meant I had gone totally insane since I asked a highly dangerous man to kiss me and I had actually enjoyed it. I had cuddled up to him. Heck, I even baked him cookies!

I clutched my head in my hands and brought my knees to my chest.

"What in the world are you doing Taehyung? Get yourself back together", I mumbled to myself, "You're not fancying a gang leader!"

I dropped my knees and hands and fell down like a starfish on the bed.

But if I'd actually escape. Would Jungkook come after me? Would he kill me? I had no idea.

I lifted up my head when I heard a knock on the door. I hummed and dropped my head again, not bothering to go open the door since I didn't even have a key. I heard the door unlocking and a guy I had never seen before walked in.

"Hey", he smiled, placing a tray down on the nightstand. It contained hot chocolate milk with whipped cream and marshmallows, plus a plate with pumpkin pie.

"Who are you?", I asked, sitting up and crossing my legs.

He smiled and sat down on the bed. "My name's Mark. Jungkook sent me here since you get lonely being inside your room. I'm here to keep you company! And what's company without chocolate milk and pie!"

He was very excited it seemed and his eyes shone brightly.

"Thank you Mark", I smiled, grabbing the mug and taking a sip. It tasted delicious and my stomach growled as I eyed the pie. I grabbed the plate and placed it in my lap, taking some bites from it.

"So why did Jungkook send you?", I asked, "I've never met you before".

His smile faltered a little, "Well um Jin hyung was busy with something and Yoongi and Namjoon are with Jungkook".

"Oh", I nodded, munching on a marshmallow. I know hot drinks usually make you sleepy but I felt impossibly drowsy after finishing the drink. I coughed a few times because I felt my throat burning and my eyes drooped.

"I must've burned my throat from the hot chocolate woops", I giggled, feeling myself sway a little from left to right. The mattress felt unusually soft and I laid back down.

"My throat hurts a lot", I pouted, nuzzling into the duvet, "Can you get Jin hyung?"

Mark stood up and walked to the door. And instead of hearing it open, I heard it lock. With great difficulty I opened my eyes and saw Mark standing at the door staring at me with an evil smirk on his face.

"What?", I mumbled, suddenly going into a coughing fit and feeling my body burn. I was fighting the urge to sleep but my body felt like giving up and none of my limbs wanted to move.

"I-I feel w-weak", I rasped out, my eyes closing on its own.

"Good. This way you won't struggle", I heard Mark say, but instead of his usual nice voice it sounded menacing and I felt myself being thrown onto his shoulder.

"Sleep tight Kim Taehyung".

I heard a door slam open, someone yelling and a gun shot. The world was already too blurry and I passed out the moment I hit the floor.

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