Chapter thirty six

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Slowly turning around, I let out a strangled shriek once I recognized the mint haired boy leaning against my window with a bored expression. He pointed down at the handle, telling me to open up.

"What are you doing here Yoongi?", I asked, opening the window just a little to whisper shout at him. He arched an eyebrow and placed his hand against the glass, pushing against it to open the window even more. I stumbled backwards and saw him climb inside with ease, shutting the window afterwards.

"Jungkook is being a depressed lil shit and doesn't dare to come near you after today", he clicked his tongue, "I don't know how you did it but you showed us a Jeon Jungkook we hadn't seen before".

"Is he that sad?", I asked awkwardly, fumbling with the loose ends of my sweater.

"Sad?", he waited a second to respond, "Yeah I guess so. It's a change after seeing him emotionless for weeks".

"What do you mean?", I tilted my head sideways, sitting down on the bed.

"Since he came back to the gang without you he's been pushing his feelings away. He didn't-".

"Knock knock!"

Mine and Yoongi's head turned to the door where Hoseok's happy expression soon morphed into a confused one.

"Hello?", he asked, tilting his head as he watched Yoongi storm up to him. The latter slammed the door shut and pinned Hoseok to the wall.

"Identify yourself", he hissed, wrapping his hand around Hoseok's neck.

"Yoongi!", I whispered loudly, jumping off the bed, "He's my best friend!"

Yoongi glanced between me and the other before letting go of him, muttering a, "You're lucky you're cute", to Hoseok who's cheeks immediately burned red.

"Who's he?", he asked me after waving himself some air. Yoongi leaned against the wall, sighing loudly.

"I hate being interrupted", the mint haired boy said, looking at me, "I just came here to tell you that you should talk to Jungkook before he does something he'll regret".

This made Hoseok gasp and he stared with wide eyes at Yoongi who stared back at him with a bored expression.

"Jungkook as in THE Jeon Jungkook!?", he shouted, "Oh hell no! Taehyung isn't going anywhere!"

"Lower your voice or I'll make you", Yoongi hissed, "And Taehyung can choose that for himself". He glanced back at me though I didn't know what to answer. Did I want to see him back? Sure. But was it going to end well? Not so sure.

"Jeon Jungkook is a psychotic bastard!", Hoseok said back, taking a step forward, "Wasn't he seen killing a bunch of people lately?"

My eyes widened and I glanced between the two boys who were having a staring contest. I knew Jungkook could be quite brutal, heck I had seen the men he killed last time. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Hoseok noticed my expression and scoffed.

"You didn't watch the news yet? There's been a signing of a bloody mess in the abandoned hospital at the east end of town. A raven haired man was spotted, cutting throats and shooting down men. He was identified as Jeon Jungkook later on. He shot the police men that were trying to take him down".

My eyes flickered to Yoongi who had a sneer on his face. He sighed when he saw my lost expression.

"The Ivor Sharks, a rival gang, dared threatening us last week. It was something about you and how they were going to torture you. We didn't see Jungkook the next day and when he came back he was soaked in blood which wasn't even his".

"He's a madman", Hoseok shouted.

"Who's in love", Yoongi spat back and then glanced at me, "With Taehyung".

The began yelling at each other. I was surprised that my parents hadn't come upstairs yet. I slowly raised my hands and placed them om my ears to drown out the sounds.

"Shut up", I said but they didn't listen, "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"

Both boys fell silent and I dropped my hands in my lap while glaring at the two of them.

"You don't get the decide what I will do and won't", I told Hoseok sternly who gave me a sad look. I then averted my gaze to the mint haired boy and sighed.

"Tell Jungkook to meet me here tomorrow night at 9 pm".

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