Chapter thirty nine

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Kind of depressing chapter. It'll get better soon! pinky promise!

The walls were an ugly yellow that stung against the dirty white ceiling which was littered with cracks. A brunette boy laid in the room, dressed in a beige shirt and loose pants, his hair messy against the rock hard pillow.

Maybe the mental hospital wasn't too bad. Taehyung felt like he had begun imagining all the bad stuff that happened here just because he didn't like it like in here. At least, that's what Doctor Sarah had told him. Because of him refusing treatment, he would only end up getting worse and Doctor Sarah didn't want him to end up like the patients in section Z. Those patients were called the 'incurable' and they suffered because they rejected every treatment possible. They didn't belong in society anymore.

The brunette mewled into the covers that had a strong smell of cheap detergent. The dose of medicines he had gotten had made his brain a foggy mess and the only thing he could see in the room were stars, shooting into each other and then exploding into the air. Drool slipped out of his mouth as he wiggled around on the bed, almost seeming drugged out by the heavy dose.

After all, he was called the 'Psycho kid that fell in love with Jeon Jungkook'. And such a delusional teenager should be cleared of everything, even of his own thoughts.

His parents were declined of visiting since it was too dangerous for Taehyung to talk to outsiders. He could have ties with Jungkook's gang and get their help to get him out of the hospital. No, the only people he got to see was Doctor Sarah and the nurse who fed him pills, food, pills, water & pills.

"Wanna get kissies", he mumbled with a sickly sweet smile on his face as he made grabby hands into the air. His vision had faded from shooting stars to the stars in Jungkook's eyes. Though there was nobody but him in the room, he still talked to people as if they were real. Maybe they were real in his head because he was just a tad fucked up in the brain by now.

"Jungkookie", he gurgled, shaking his hair while giggling almost childlike, "I made cookies!"

Then his smile fell into a pout and his eyes lost every color, "Don't leave me Kookie. I'll be lonely without you here".

The guard who watched the patients through cameras saw the delusional brunette talking to himself again. He pressed the sound button to hear what the teen was saying and sighed when he heard the familair name falling from his lips.

"Doctor Sarah?", he sighed into the walkie talkie that had been attached to his hip, "He's talking to Jungkook again".

A sigh was heard on the other end of the line.

"Copy that".

Doctor Sarah turned to the nurse that was preparing everyone's daily dose of food and medicine.

"Guess we need to change Taehyung's medicines to something stronger. He needs to forget that man or he won't get any better at all".

"Maybe we don't need a medicine for that at all", the nurse spoke, crushing some pills and adding it to the tasteless mashed potatoes that laid on someone's plate.

"I understand", Doctor Sarah nodded and got out the file that she had printed  out not too long ago, "This will surely help him recover from his so called heart break".

She stood up and grabbed a plate that was meant for Taehyung. She then made her way to his room, passing numerous grey hallways with doors where other patients were locked up behind.

"Taehyung?", she spoke softly, opening his door a bit.

The said boy rolled on his side and gave her a lazy smile. His eyes looked soulless and his smile had faded through weeks of being in that room.

"I have something important to tell you".

He nodded though it was more of a spastic action and he received the plate of food he was handed while Sarah took a chair to sit on.

"As you know you were brought here 8 weeks ago. At that same time Jeon Jungkook was brought into prison".

At the mention of his name Taehyung suddenly looked up, the mashed potatoes falling out of his mouth. Doctor Sarah tried not to grimace at this sight and went on. She looked down upon the file and took a deep breath.

"On the 5th of September Jeon Jungkook tried escaping by strangling one of the police guards. He was shot down on his attempt of escape and died of the wound on his chest. He was buried three days later on the prison cemetery".

The rest of the mashed potatoes that were once in Taehyung mouth ended up on his shirt. After a few seconds his stomach emptied itself on his lap while he didn't even move.

He remembered his head being a blur when nurses undressed him and shoved him under a shower. He remember showing real emotions for the first time when he felt the cold water numb his body.

He remembered breaking down at the thought of his love being buried ten feet underneath the ground.

Doctor Sarah slid the fake file back into her drawer and smiled to the nurse who smiled back at her.

"He believed it I presume?"

"He believed all of it".

"I wish he'd be dead for real though".

Doctor Sarah pressed on the tv remote which displayed Jeon Jungkook's face. He was sentenced to a life long being in pridon today.

"Don't we all wish that?"

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