Chapter forty one

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I have a new one shot in my one shot vkook book :) im fucking sad and you can guess why when you read it.
Jungkook's P.O.V

"Take him with you Jungkook. It'll be for the best".

I almost dropped the brunette out of my arms from hearing those words. I stared in shock at Taehyung's parents whose stares were directed at the passed out boy laying in my arms. I had taken a risk by coming here but I hadn't expected to be this surprised. I hadn't expected them to say this.

"What do you mean?", I asked in disbelief. Of course the same thought had crossed my mind but I couldn't let his parents go through that again. I had taken Taehyung away from them once and I didn't want to do that again. These people already had to worry enough for one child, they didn't deserve to double that worry for both children. So I had decided to take Taehyung home to be with his family.

"He won't be safe here with us. The police will be searching for him here and will take him back to that institute. If he's with you, he'll be at least safe. We'll know he'll be safe".

I gulped, "You know I'm a gang leader right. Safety isn't really a word that belongs to us".

His mother smiled and ran her hands through Taehyung's hair, "You love our son, don't you?"

I nodded sheepishly.

"And we know he loves you too", she proceeded, "He couldn't stop talking and thinking about you when he got back here".

"We first had our doubts of course", his father said, "You stole our child and we had to pay for his safety. We went through hell because of you".

I gulped and mumbled, "My father made me do it. I couldn't keep Taehyung otherwise".

His father suddenly showed a small smile, "But then you paid us back our money and brought Taehyung back to us. I know you've also been paying for our daughter's treatment since we've never got any bills to pay".

I nodded. I had told Namjoon to take care of those bills. My father didn't know about us paying for a girl's cancer treatment.

"Of course we want Taehyung to be with us. But they will search for him here first. We rather have him with the man he loves, than locked up in a mental institute because he's in love".

"I'll let him visit you of course", I replied, "I'll get him a phone so he can contact you".

They nodded and shared a smile.

"You best go now", his father said, "It won't be long until they get here".

"I wish he'd wake up so I could say goodbye", his mother said, caressing her son's cheek.

My lips formed a thin line, "He passed out from taking those meds. It'll take a while for him to regain his normal self again".

"We trust you take good care of him".

I nodded, "He's in good hands".


"Where am I?"

A soft voice rang in the room and I opened my eyes, only to meet the gaze of a certain brunette boy.

"Jungkook?", he squeaked, his eyes widening rapidly. He laid on his side and so did I, facing each other on the bed.

"Hi", I smiled, reaching out to cup his cheek to which he closed his eyes.

"Are you real?", he asked with shut eyes, "Or have I gone mad?"

"Take a guess", I whispered, a cheeky smile playing on my lips. I shuffled closer and pressed my lips against his, feeling him tense from the touch. His eyes fluttered open for a second before closing again, finally melting into my arms.

"I can't believe it", he whispered, his breath fanning against my neck where he buried his face into, "You're real. You're not dead".

"I still can't believe they told you that", I said, nuzzling my nose into his hair, only to catch the scent of cheap, strong smelling, shampoo, "Who the heck could kill me?"

I chuckled and heard him laugh shortly before going quiet again.

"I really thought I lost you", he sighed.

"I thought you lost yourself", I replied and he pushed himself out of my chest.

"Don't ever leave me please", he pouted, drawing circles on my chest, "I've felt how it is to lose you and I don't ever intend on feeling it again".

I cooed at his cuteness and bit down on my bottom lip. I've really missed him.

"You really are crazy", I smiled, pecking his nose and his eyebrows furrowed, "Crazy for me".

His cheeks burnt red and he whined, falling back into my chest.

"It's okay", I smiled, ruffling his hair, "I am crazy for you too".

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