Chapter forty five [END]

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Sort of the end of the book because everything is good and all that 😊 also I've written over 40 chapters and that was never my intention but bleh I never have intentions with these fanfictions anyway hihi.

"Your father likes me".

Jungkook arched a surprised eyebrow at this, immediately turning around to face his boyfriend sitting on the bed. The raven haired male dropped his hands that were fumbling with the tie and went all mushy inside when the younger flashed him a bright smile.

"Your father came in here earlier, first yelling at me a bit because you changed & apparently and it was all my fault. But then I yelled back and guess what!"

Jungkook felt his insides boil at this given information. That was why his father had suddenly left the meeting earlier than intended. When Jungkook didn't give the brunette an answer, Taehyung went on anyway.

"He said he understood why you liked me so much and that I was going to be a part of the family soon!", the younger smiled, failing to notice his boyfriend's demeanor going from angry to startled all of a sudden.

"Fuck, did he see those bills? Did he check the gang's finances?", The ravenhead wondered, anxiously glancing at one of his bedside drawers, "Is this why father decided to visit Taehyung all of a sudden. To give his permission through Taehyung to me? I didn't even ask Tae's parents for permission yet".

"That's great babe", he smiled, going over to the bed to cuddle with his beloved boyfriend, "I'm very proud of you standing up against my father".

Taehyung giggled as a wet kiss was placed on his nose. He nudged his head against Jungkook's chin and tucked himself perfectly in his boyfriend's arms. He usually slept like this at night. It sometimes helped against these nightmares that he kept having. Flashes of the mental hospital would appear in his dreams and turn it into nightmares.

"I love you so much kitten", Jungkook smiled, feeling his eyelids droop at the feeling of Taehyung's heart bumping against his own.

"I love you too puppy"

"Taehyung I swear to god not again-"


"I love you Taehyung".

"I love you Jungkook".

"I then now declare you, husband and husband. You may kiss your husband".

Namjoon chuckled and leant into Jin, whispering a soft, "That's a lot of husband in one sentence", to his boyfriend before noticing the big fat tears rolling down the older's cheeks.

"What's wrong?"

"This is so cuteeee", Jin cried, everyone in the room had already started cheering because of the vows being said.

Hoseok bumped against Yoongi who sent him a glare, though his expression softened once he noticed the guilt and sadness on his lover's face.

"I almost ruined this couple", Hoseok spoke, his voice uneven from trying not to cry, "I feel so bad".

"It's their wedding day, at least try to be a little happy", Yoongi replied, clapping once the couple shared a kiss in front of the altar.

"I am happy. I didn't deserve Taehyung's forgiveness but here I am, at his wedding", the gingerhead smiled, "I'm really happy".

"Then stop crying you doofus and smile that annoyingly bright smile of yours".

"This could be us but you keep breaking up after every summer vacation", Lukas spoke, crossing his arms as he glanced at the bored Jimin. The smaller boy wasn't really into romantic stuff so this whole wedding deemed boring to him. He suddenly got an idea and grabbed Lukas' hand.

"Want to be my boyfriend again?", he asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Though it made Lukas' insides churn in anxiousness he nodded.

Jimin broke into a bright smile and dragged Lukas to the back of the church, into an unknown room, yelling out a "I've always wanted to fuck in a church!".

Taehyung's parents smiled a bit uneasy at Jungkook's father who was flanked by multiple security guards. The man smiled back, though it felt surreal for him to suddenly imagine having more than one family member now. He suddenly had a son in law and his parents, plus a baby girl that was fighting against cancer, and seemingly winning the battle.

"You know, I've had cancer too you know", Taehyung stated one night when he laid in bed beside his new husband, Jeon Jungkook. He felt the other stiffen at his words and continued.

"The mayor of the town I grew up in, was in need money so he granted a nearby chemical company to dump its waste in the craters close to our house. I hadn't even been born when that happened but my parents got affected with the chemicals. When I was little I was diagnosed with leukemia. I survived and when we finally thought the struggle was over my sister was diagnosed with the exact same. There were protests in town when people found out about the toxic waste that had been dropped in our town without us knowing. The mayor never apologized but merely stopped the company from doing it since it affected his voting rates in the upcoming elections. He's still the mayor to this day".

Though Jungkook didn't exactly gave much of a reply after that, Taehyung knew exactly what his husband had been feeling after he read in the news that a certain mayor was found dead, his body burnt by multiple chemicals.

Taehyung chuckled and closed the newspaper, laying it down on the table before glancing at Jungkook who was making them breakfast.

"I guess he never really changed..."



this book got way more attention than I had originally thought it would. This idea was actually made when I was walking (more like dying because of the heat and the steep hill) with my parents in Bryce (National park in America). I suddenly was like 'I should make a book about a camp... a CHRISTIAN camp... Taehyung is christian... yes yes very good Rani... and JUngKook is in a GanG! yyyaaas another gang fic the PeePs will love iT idk how this will work out but i'll find a way.

So suddenly I was more interested into thinking about a bts fanfictions than being in a national park in fucking USA.

I hope people realize that I never think much about a fanfic before starting it. I randomly choose what happens in a chapter the day I write it.  I didn't plan on Taehyung getting kidnapped by other gangs. I didn't plan on him being put in a mental hospital beforehand. When I wrote the chapter with Hoseok I was like 'okay what would Hoseok do in this situation'.

If you liked this story please consider supporting me on ko-fi (something like patreon) it would be much appreciated :) the link to my ko-fi is in my bio!

Sinners Never Sleep

Started: 18th of August 2017

Ended: 13th of December 2017

thank you for reading! See you in another fanction!

(Ps. That story about the mayor thing and the leukemia is based on a real story. One of my friends and her sister went through that and I thought it would be worth mentioning that these things do happen irl)

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