Chapter thirty two

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Sorry for all the drama guys. I'm very tired.

Coming home for Taehyung was a moment filled with hugs, relief, promises and a lot of tears. The brunette wasn't sure if they were shed from happiness or sadness, but he got rid of the thought as soon as he felt small arms wrapping around his waist, a little face burying itself in his stomach.

His little sister showed him the brightest smile while big fat tears rolled down her cheeks, which she didn't seem to mind. Her big brother had come back home. Her prayers had been heard. She was so happy.

Taehyung's smile faltered as soon as he saw the sickly pale skin of his sister and the flowery cap she was wearing. Her former dark brown hairs had fallen out, leaving her bald and vulnerable. But hairs falling out, meant that the chemo was working so he couldn't be depressed for long.

"How's my little sunflower doing?", he remembered asking her and saw his parents hug each other from the sides, relieved that their precious son was back home.

"Good!", she yelled happily, nuzzling her face back into his stomach, "I miffed you bif bwotha".

The said brother blinked the oncoming tears away and picked her up so she could wrap her arms around his shoulders and hugged her back.

"I missed you dandelion", he smiled, pecking her forehead, "I'm sorry I didn't bring the pictures I promised you".

"All I needed was you back", she stated honestly, the big bright smile never leaving her lips, "Did you pray for me at camp?"

"Every day", he nuzzled his nose against hers, "I prayed everywhere I could".


Coming home for Jungkook was a cold and dull feeling which spread through his chest until it left his whole body numb. He walked past Namjoon who tried talking to him. He ignored Yoongi who had pushed him against the staircase and had demanded answers. He even took in the slap coming from Jin without any spark of anger telling him to fight back. He didn't care and he didn't want to think about all the mistakes he had made. He just wanted to sleep, maybe forget all his worries and believe that the beautiful brunette from Christian camp was just a restless dream.

Every next day was spent in his rooms, accepting the food Jin laid at his door. The older had felt guilty for letting his feelings take over and slapping his leader so suddenly. He was the only one trying to really communicate with the younger but alas, the raven haired leader didn't want to speak a word about the past events. How could he? When he knew he was the one who ultimately fucked up. But it was for Taehyung's safety wasn't it?

Yes, he should be happy because he kept Taehyung safe and brought him back to his family.

But was the brunette really that safe when he was still the victim who dated his kidnapper? Would the gangs forget about him that easily? Would they stop their search so quickly? Or would they go through till the end, not caring that Jungkook and Taehyung parted ways because they knew

Jungkook was heartbroken, and would be even more when his precious brunette got hurt.

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